Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Demystifying the Concept behind the Koko Mansion

Many eligible bachelors often wonder what qualities to look out for in their prospective life partners. In this age and clime, the debate has been stiff; many shy away from lending a voice to the debate, afraid that their views may be misconstrued as a form of gender discrimination – and as a result of this, many young men of marriageable age wallow in their confusion, with no ideas as to what to look out for in a woman.

D’banj being a successful young man who’s seen many of kith and kin in this dilemma, took the bull by the horns, and decided to get the public involved in this debate: who is the ideal Nigerian woman?

As a result, the Koko Mansion was conceived – where 12 dynamic and beautiful young ladies from all over Nigeria will spend eight weeks in this exquisite mansion, under the tutelage and supervision of an amiable governess. Through specially designed tasks, these ladies' strengths, talents, tolerance-level, fashion sense, social etiquettes etc will be put to the ultimate test – where the viewing public will act as the grand jury in the eventual selection of which one of the 12 contestants should be considered as having the virtues worthy of an Ideal Nigerian Woman. With all the cultural values we hold high as Nigerians projected to the rest of the world. In a nutshell, this show is a celebration of the dynamism of the hard-working beautiful Nigerian woman –by sharing in her struggles, and celebrating her virtues.

The eventual winner will amongst a few other prizes will receive 5 Million Naira, a convertible car, and a diamond ring from Chris Aire], become a symbol of the ideal woman in Nigeria; her talents would be harnessed and developed, as she would go on to become a global ambassador to a multi-million naira entertainment empire.

First Day Inside the Koko Mansion – LIVE [1]

The reality TV show that had kept everyone guessing, speculating, and criticizing, finally commenced LIVE broadcast at exactly 5:30 pm on Sunday, 28th June.Our first surprise was when the delectable darling of Nigerian television, Marian Anazodo came on screen to introduce the show. Marian Anazodo? On Koko Mansion? Yes, the same Marian Anazodo whom we’ve all fallen in love with for the past 12 years on NTA.

Definitely, her presence in the mansion immediately dispelled all notions of vulgarity, as have been touted publicly by ill-informed critics, who just had to shoot without aiming. Seeing Marian Anazodo, who in all ramifications is qualified to be referred to as an Ideal Nigerian woman take the reins as the presenter of the show was indeed an ice-breaker that went a long way to promise viewers a very good show, where intrigue and drama are more powerful than vulgarity.

But before we continue, let’s back-track a bit, to bring you highlights from the MCR, where the brains behind the show were throwing all their magic portions into one big technical calabash that transmitted the LIVE feed to you. At about 5:00pm, the MCR was buzzing like a bee hive, more than 18 robotic cameras were being operated from here, to bring you this opening show.
The satellite uplink system was humming like an athlete waiting for the sound of the gun, while the crew was running from one monitor to another like investment analysts on Wall Street, but then there was no sign of panic; these guys have done it before, countless times, and all the buzzing and humming was just part of a well-oiled ‘production machine’. A few minutes later, D’banj walked in, so excited, he said, “thank you guys for making this happen, finally, we’re going live, after all the challenges we experienced along the way” he went round hugging everybody in the MCR, really emotional about the whole affair, “my mother called me to tell me that this is the best thing I’ve done in my career so far”.

Okay, fast forward to the live show. Marian Anazodo took the viewers on a guided tour of the mansion, from the foyer to the living room - with its sensuous red furniture, and a life-sized painting of D’banj hanging on the wall.
All the awards D’banj has won so far were displayed in a glass encasement in the foyer. From the living room, Marian toured the dining room, and then the kitchen. From the kitchen, she took the viewers to the leisure area - where we could see the wine bar, the lawn, and compact swimming pool – very ideal for private millionaire picnics.
From the leisure area, she took us upstairs, but on our way, we couldn’t help but notice the stainless-steel balustrade on the staircase, and its finely polished marble steps. Upstairs, we explored the living quarters – the two bedrooms with six beds each – one room has an excellent Jacuzzi – all these for the kokollettes.

First Day Inside the Koko Mansion – LIVE [2]
Okay, time to welcome the 12 contestants. Let’s just list them in their order of appearance, with very brief descriptions:
After the contestants arrived, the presenter introduced the governess, Chika Anadu – one look at her and you’d be convinced that she was tailor-made for the job of keeping these girls in check. D’banj joined the ladies briefly, had cocktail with them; toasted to good health and an entertaining stay at the mansion before leaving the kokolettes in the capable hands of the governess. That’s all for now, more updates coming soon. But let’s hear what you think about your favorite contestants, and maybe discuss what you’re looking forward to seeing on the show.
Expect to hear and see more of the inside the Koko Mansion- Live [3]

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