Monday, July 16, 2012

Viral illness kills 17, affects 35,000 in China

A hand, foot and mouth disease has killed 17 people and affected nearly 35,000 in China’s Hunan province this June as high temperatures helped it to spread, the local authorities said Sunday.
This disease is a viral illness that usually affects infants and children younger than five years of age, China Daily reported Sunday.
According to the Hunan provincial health department, a total of 34,768 cases were reported this June while 17 people died of the disease.
The disease incidence rate in June was much higher than that of last June, which has much to do with the high temperatures this summer, said Liu Fuqiang, an official with the provincial Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The provincial CDC has urged parents and kindergarten teachers to send children to hospital as soon as they show symptoms, such as mouth sores, skin rashes or fever, Liu said.
The department had warned of high prevalence of the disease and other infectious diseases such as Dengue fever and malaria during the summer, Xinhua reported.
A total of 19 children were killed by the disease in April in Hunan province, said the health department. (IANS)
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