Perhaps, Nigeria would have joined the likes of Germany, Japan,
India and Malaysia as an automobile manufacturer as far back as 1997 when Dr.
Ezekiel Izuogu, an electrical/electronics engineer, a doctor of science and
lecturer of communications and electronics engineering at the Federal
Polytechnic, Owerri, made a prototype of his first ever all-African car which
he named Z-600.
The car which BBC’s Hilary Andersson
described as the all-African dream machine, was made for the family market with
a top speed of 140km (86m) per hour.
Ninety per cent of its parts were sourced locally. For
instance, the horn was a doorbell and it would have been the cheapest car on
the planet as it would have cost just $2,000 to own one.
According to Izuogu who had demonstrated a great flair for
inventive and creative knowledge from early childhood, he was working on
adapting the engine to allow the Z-600 to double up as a lawnmower or an
electricity generator.
With the usual Nigerian lackadaisical attitude when it
comes to things that will help project the country’s image to the world
positively, the authorities were not ready to invest money in the project and
so in 2005, the South African Government invited him to build the car there. And
since he who pays the piper dictates the tune, South Africa would have been the
proud manufacturers of the Z-600 were it not for the incidence of March 11, 2006.
Unfortunately, this dream was not to see the light of day.
According to Dr. Izuogu, some armed men numbering about 12 broke into the
Izuogu Motors factory on Saturday, March 11, between 1.00 and 2.00 a.m. and
carted away various machines and tools including the design history notebook of
Z-600, the design file Z-MASS, containing the design history for mass
production of Z-600 car, and the moulds for various parts of the car.
Said Izuogu; “It seems that the target of this robbery is
to stop the efforts we are making to mass-produce the first ever locally made
car in Africa. Other items stolen included locally produced
timing wheel, locally produced camshaft, locally produced crankshaft, locally
produced engine tappets, all 20 pieces each.
Also stolen were ten pieces of locally produced Z-600 engine
blocks, ten pieces of locally produced pistons, four pieces of engine block
mounds, four pieces of top engine block moulds, ten pieces of engine fly wheel
and two pieces each of rear car and front mudguard moulds.”
The inventor regretted that not only did they lose over
one N1 billion in monetary terms, but also time (about 10 years) and the energy
it took to design and produce the moulds. “To worsen the matter, our design
notebook was also stolen,” he stated.
He regarded the incident as a national economic disaster
because the nation had lost a technological and intellectual property.
Izuogu machine:
Before the Z-600 car, Dr. Izuogu had been working on ways to provide the nation and the world with clean, cheap and environment-friendly energy source. So, after 33 years of intense research, he came up with a new branch of physics known as Emagnetodynamics, the branch of physics that studies the conversion of the energy of static magnetic fields into work. Before now, “the conventional electric motor was built on the principle/law of Michael Faraday which states that Force is exerted on a current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field.”
Before the Z-600 car, Dr. Izuogu had been working on ways to provide the nation and the world with clean, cheap and environment-friendly energy source. So, after 33 years of intense research, he came up with a new branch of physics known as Emagnetodynamics, the branch of physics that studies the conversion of the energy of static magnetic fields into work. Before now, “the conventional electric motor was built on the principle/law of Michael Faraday which states that Force is exerted on a current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field.”
The two laws of Emagnetodynamics state as follows: Force
is exerted on a composite magnetic pole in the vicinity of an array of like
poles; and this force is in the direction of the composite polarity similar to
the array.
Based on these two laws, he invented the Izuogu machine,
also called the self-sustaining Emagnetodynamics machine, a kind of electric
motor that draws atomic energy from the nuclei of permanent magnets and
therefore requires no input power to operate.
According to Izuogu, there are two versions of the
Emagnetodynamics machine – the non-self-sustaining and the self-sustaining
machine which can run for upwards of 30 to 40 years. He added that soft iron
machine or the hard iron machine could be built from each of them.
He noted that the machines named M-1000 and M-6000,
respectively, could drive 100 KVA and 5 Mega watt electric power generators
with no noise, no pollution, and zero energy input.
“The M-60 prototype machine has been built and
demonstrated, while the M-1000 and M-6000 have been designed waiting to be
built,” he said.
Scientists have experimented with nuclear reactors in
their bid to seek energy source that is clean, cheap and environment-friendly.
However, this could not work as the dangers inherent in that are enormous.
For instance, reports say that more than 20,000 people
developed thyroid cancer and had to have their thyroids removed as a result of
April 26, 1986 Chernobyl disaster. Till date, there is about 1,660 square-mile
Exclusion Zone around the site of the Chernobyl disaster, 26 years
after the accident.
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