Friday, December 14, 2012

'It's MasterChef not MasterCHEFS!'

Viewers have been left with a bad taste in their mouths after MasterChef judges failed to decide on a single winner, declaring joint first prize to Keri Moss, 41, and Anton Piotrowski, 30.
For the first time in the show's history Michel Roux Jr and fellow expert Gregg Wallace failed to decide between the two chefs dazzling menus in a decision that left hundreds of viewers boiling over. 

Many took to Twitter wondering whether to send the show back to the kitchen after expecting just one of the chefs to take the professional crown, with one twitter user remarking: 'If I'd wanted to watch something for days on end that resulted in a draw, I would've watched cricket.'

Moss and Piotrowski, whose dishes had included cocoa-marinated loin of venison and confit duck-leg cubes, had taken part in a gruelling four week competition.
During the final week viewers have seen them designing and preparing a Michelin-standard course each for over 30 world-renowned and critically acclaimed Michelin-starred chefs - who have amassed 47 stars between them - inspectors and restaurateurs.
And they were also let loose in the kitchen of the famed Heston Blumenthal restaurant The Fat Duck.
But as the final finished on BBC 2 viewers took to Twitter to complain that they just weren't satisfied with the outcome.
One user wrote: 'That MasterChef final was a cop out.... It's clear Anton just had the edge. To have a joint winner is just wrong!'
Another added: 'Two Masterchef winners? Lame. This is what happens when you don't let Monica do the judging.'

Their last task was to prepare a three-course meal for judges Roux and Wallace.
Moss, a freelance caterer from Nunhead, south-east London, said: 'Joint winners is just fantastic, we've had a good run together, Anton is awesome.
'Today has surpassed anything that I have ever achieved in my career, in my whole life, this is just massive.'

Piotrowski, who lives in south Devon with his wife Clare, where they run a pub, The Treby Arms, said: 'It's absolutely amazing; to share the title with someone that's so talented and so amazing is unreal. It's a good start to the rest of my life, mind-blowing.'
Roux said of the difficult decision: 'This has probably been one of the hardest, tightest finals that I have ever seen.
'It was just impossible to split them - their talents have been matched plate for plate for the past several challenges and it was truly impossible to award one the title over the other.'

His colleague Wallace said: 'I can't ever remember a decision this tight.
'Anton is an exceptional talent and had a brilliant competition, but for me I want to eat Keri's food more than anybody I've met in a long, long time.
'I don't know what magic is running through Keri's fingertips, I don't know who poured the passion into her soul, but you can feel it and you can taste it on dish after dish.'
Roux added: 'Keri is an exceptional chef, but you can't get away from the fact that Anton has got the knowledge, he's got the skills in abundance, he's got the passion, the drive - every dish that Anton cooks is original, it's got a twist, it's got his character there.

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