Monday, December 17, 2012

Mentally unstable clears dirts from Calabar streets, drains

A mentally sick man, identified simply as Ukeme, has been going around major streets in Calabar, Cross River State clearing dirts from gutters and walkways with his bare hands.

Residents of the Eta-Agbor area and IBB Way on Saturday told PUNCH Metro that Ukeme had been doing that for six years.
Our correspondent, who observed the man, who is believed to be in his 40s, noted that he deposited the dirts in any nearby refuse bin.
Attempts to speak with Ukeme did not elicit the envisaged response as he kept murmuring “Thank you Jesus.”
 However, an auto mechanic whose workshop is located along Eta-Agbor lane, Mr. Abel Nkeruwe, said Ukeme was by training a panel beater.

Nkeruwe, who said he shared the same workshop with Ukeme, added he had been clearing dirt from the road and drains around the area and other adjourning streets in the last couple of years.
He noted that Ukeme‘s mental illness became obvious since 2008 but that it did not deter him from coming to the workshop whenever he was contacted to do a job.
Nkeruwe said, “As at 2001, he had completed his training as a professional panel beater. No matter the degree of accident, Ukeme will make attempt to bring the vehicle back to shape. Even in his state, he still works.

“He was already making money at that time because he was one among the best in Calabar.”
Nkeruwe added that Ukeme also cleared dirt from the road and drains around the Airport Police Station located along the busy IBB Way, adding that policemen always protected him from public molestation.

Another artisan, who sprays vehicles, Mr. Moses Akpa, attributed Ukeme’s problem to intake of marijuana.
Akpa, who said he first came in contact with Ukeme three years ago, said despite his mental state, he still came up with brilliant idea’s when he was contacted to give his advice on a damaged Nissan Primera that was brought for repairs.
He also said Ukeme had twice been taken to the psychiatric hospital for rehabilitation.

“There was a woman, who felt touched and took him to the psychiatric hospital for rehabilitation but he escaped. He smokes marijuana till date. There was a day I took marijuana from him and he pursued me to collect it back,” Akpa said.

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