Wednesday, December 12, 2012


1.    A winter swimmer dives into the partly-frozen Houhai Lake in Beijing

1.    A close-up of frozen dew drops on a blade of grass with pink flowers in the background, pictured in Worthing, Sussex.

1.   Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne paints a money box with children at Number 11 Downing Street as he hosts his yearly Christmas party for the Starlight charity.

1.    A designer has constructed a chandelier that appears to be made entirely from gummy bear sweets. However, Kevin Champeny hasn't used real sweets but moulded them from hand-cast acrylic. The light comes in two sizes: the largest uses over 8,500 gummy bears and costs £4,000 and the smaller version uses approximately 3,000 sweets and costs £1,490.

1.    Jeremy Clarkson was spotted riding around Mayfair in London in a strange Transformers-style vehicle, while filming a series of Top Gear.
1.    A man dressed as Santa Claus plays with dolphins at Marineland in Antibes, southern France

A picture of a snow-encrusted toilet on a Polish train has become an internet hit, highlighting the somewhat shabby nature of rolling stock on Polish railways. Newspapers dubbed it the “throne of the snow queen”. It was snapped by a passenger on a train to Warsaw travelling from the north-west city of Szczecin.
1.    A rescued flatback turtle is released back into the wild after being treated at an animal centre in Darwin, Australia, with a satellite transmitter strapped to her back...

 Patrouille Suisse Northrop F-5E Tiger II jet release flares during a flight demonstration at a Swiss Air Force commando handover ceremony at the Swiss Army Airbase in Duebendorf near Zurich

1.  The Morph Twins, Brandon King and Trent Mendoza, share a chair as they are surrounded by a dance group known as the Tip Top Tappers while waiting to audition for America's Got Talent in Memphis, Tennessee

1.    South Korean police extinguish flames after protesters burned a mock up of North Korea's missile and portraits of North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un during an anti-North Korea rally in Seoul
A man crawls carrying an image of the Virgin of Guadalupe on his back in Mexico City.

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