Tuesday, April 2, 2013

“Next Generation Condom” to be Launched Soon

Following the challenge made by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a Durban-based company has come forward to design the "next generation condom".

Clive Kohrs is the owner of this family-run condom company and as disclosed by him, initiatives have been already taken to patent a "ground-breaking" condom with a US firm. They are already working over the project.

Kohrs added, "But it hadn't taken off because of funding". Considering this, the foundation has offered $100 000
 (R920000) to the company. It was already on their verdict to help anyone with funds who take up their challenge and promises to design a condom that "preserves or enhances pleasure, in order to improve uptake and regular use".

In addition to this, Kohrs is also looking forward to design a new female condom. The presently available female condoms, Checkers packets are difficult and messy to use. These have a terrible design and make too much noise.

This new female condom will be a much better version. It has to be inserted like a tampon; it will open up inside. Using these condoms will nullify the risk of getting an STD or getting pregnant and will offer the same level of pleasure.

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