Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Written and Presented in an  interactive session by an Experienced and Motivational Speaker...........

This topic is absolutely necessary for discussion due to certain practices that are going on in the world which the church is not exempted. There is an upsurge in premarital and extra-marital sexual relationships going on today, which have also crept into the church. In order to preserve the purity of the church, it is essential we examine the root causes and also proffer practical solutions to the problem.  


The connection between two or more people or groups and their involvement with one another, especially as regards the way they behave toward and feel about one another. It can also be said to be an emotionally close friendship, especially one involving sexual activity. 

Premarital relationship is a relationship that takes place or exists between two closely related people before marriage. This includes having girls and boys as friends by virtue of being neighbours, classmates and maybe being members of the same organisation. Having friends is not sinful as one of the basic needs of man is to love and be loved. Premarital relationship becomes sinful when it involves fondling, cuddling, kissing and sex. But we should be mindful that bad company corrupts good morals (I cor. 15:33).


Ø  Negligence on the part of parents.

Ø  Inability to control sexual emotions/desires.

Ø  Exposure to immoral/ungodly materials e.g. pornographic videos and magazines.

Ø  Indecent dressing.

Ø  Desperation for marriage.

Ø  Our brothers taking undue advantage of sisters for reason of marriage.

Ø  Economic reasons.

Ø  Peer/social pressure  

Ø  Rape.



 As parents we need to understand the causes of these problems. Do not only condemn without looking for solutions.

       I.    Continuous guidance and counselling.
       II.  Sexuality education.
       III.  Provision of basic needs.
       IV.   Not creating an environment for such relationship to strive, by showing wilful blindness.
       V.     Discipline.


As youths who are mostly affected, you need to:

·       Value your worth – Both as a Christian and as someone that aims to be morally upright. You should not cheapen yourself. 

·  Determine within yourself not to be involved in premarital sex by resisting all pressure in that regard.
·   Have the fear of God in you by seeking God and walking with him.
Psalm 119: 11 – “Your word have I hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against you”. The word of the God should be a constant reminder to you not to give in to sexual emotions/desires. Uncontrolled sexual emotions among youths result in fornication and the scriptures tell us that no fornicator would have part in Heaven, which is the ultimate hope of all Christians. (Heb 13:4; Eph 5:5)

· Consider the Physical and Spiritual consequences of uncontrolled sexual emotions. Loss of control over sexual emotions can have negative effect on your academics, career, and family relationship, dignity (self respect, honour and the joy/pride of entering a marriage as a virgin). It may also make you to be compelled to accept anyone that comes your way for marriage because you have already become a second hand (marriage out of sympathy). You should also consider the burden associated with single parenthood, premarital pregnancy complications, sexually transmitted diseases, some of which cannot be cured.

·   Wisdom must be exercised – Our God advises us to be as wise as serpents and as gentle as a dove (Matt. 10: 16). Wisdom will make you not to fall cheaply to those that wish to exploit your uncontrolled sexual emotion.

·   Be confident and proud of yourself – A single teen or youth may feel very lonely and depressed. It is important to keep things in perspective at times. Teenagers must deal with several stressful events, such as hormonal changes, pressure to perform well in school and work, and family responsibilities. Do not feel pressure to date or be in a relationship simply because others are doing so. Live in the way that is best for you as a Christian.

 · Be focused on your academic and career pursuits and give no opportunity for sexual indiscretion.

·   Be prayerful – there is nothing that is impossible with prayers

· Parents admonishing their male children to abstain from pre-marital sex

This is a relationship that occurs outside marriage involving a married woman or man. It is a relationship that pertains to a sexual relation with someone other than one’s spouse. It is an adulterous relationship because it exists concurrently with marriage. Sometimes it begins with no intention of having sex but gradually progresses to a sexual relationship.


The following among others are identified as common causes of extra-marital relationship:

·    Sexual dissatisfaction – Sex drive not met corresponding response.

·    Denial of sex by one of the partners

·    Poor treatment – lack of regard by spouse

·   Lack of care

·  Lack of affection

·   Economic hardship

·   Seeking for cheap favours

·   Lack of self esteem

·   Inability to control sexual urge/emotion

·   General inability to resist men’s advances

·   Unnecessarily deep and extra care for men

·    Lack of contentment

·    Permissiveness

·    Marriage for reasons other than love

·   Seeking refuge in the company of someone other than the partner

·   Search for excitement and adventure

·   Being easily carried away by romantic words  

·   Inability to let go of pre-marital relationship after marriage

·    Fear of being blackmailed over some past actions/secrets

What are men looking for when seeking sexual relationship with you?

·    Sexual satisfaction

·    Emotional sustenance

·     Material sustenance

·  Someone he can lord over when he cannot bring the wife in submission

·    Feeling of conquering

Effects of Extra- marital Relationship

·        Gradually creates a gulf in the marriage relationship

·        Loss of trust and affection

·        Sexually transmitted diseases

·       Quarrel and fights

·       Suspicion

·       Break up of marriage – separation and divorce

·       Defiling the marriage bed and incurring the wrath of God

·        Dis-fellowship

·        Spiritual and sometimes physical death.

Possible Solutions  
· Contentment – sexually, emotionally, economically and physically (1 TIM 6: 6)
·Honour your body  
·Show maturity in your composure, carriage and dressing
·   .Resist the devil and it will flee from you

· . Self respect – Do not give “green light” to anybody that you are available

·   . Avoid enticing dressing, actions and talks

·   . Love and affection for the spouse

· . Marry someone you really love so that the love can endure challenges – not marrying out of sympathy

·  . Learn to love your spouse even if you married him for reasons other than love

·   . Keep yourself busy – “an idle mind is the devil’s workshop”

·   . Let the word of God dwell richly in your hearts – leave no vacuum for idle thoughts that produce extra-marital acts

·  . Limit your exposure in the social media/network

· . Avoid discussing your emotional problems and other challenges with men.

·  Prayerfulness. 

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