World Press Freedom Day
celebrates its 20th anniversary on Friday. It was first officially proclaimed
during the UN General Assembly in 1993.
The theme for 2013 is Safe
to Speak: Securing Freedom of Expression in All Media, a focus that
includes securing a free and open internet.
Here bloggers from across the globe reflect
on their work in the light of press freedom day.
Yet every day around the world,
journalists and media workers are under attack. They face intimidation,
threats and violence from governments, corporations, criminals, or other
forces that wish to silence or censor.
Juanita Leon, Colombia
Creating a free and safe space
Freedom of expression is a fundamental human right enshrined in
Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is a
cornerstone of good governance, sustainable development, and lasting
peace and security.

The theme of this year's
World Press Freedom Day, 'Safe to Speak: Securing Freedom of Expression
in All Media', highlights the need for action to uphold the right of
journalists to carry out their vital work.
From traditional media
platforms such as radio, print, and television, to newer and more and
more popular social media, blogs and citizen-led reporting, journalists
are increasingly at risk ... .
The United Nations system has
established a Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue
of Impunity. The plan aims to raise awareness and to support practical
steps to create a free and safe working environment for journalists.
we mark World Press Freedom Day, let us pledge to do our utmost to
enable all journalists in all media to do their jobs. When it is safe to
speak, the whole world benefits.
Ban Ki Moon
United Nations
Juanita Leon, Colombia
Juanita Leon is a journalist and writer who
blogs for the news website she founded - La Silla Vacia (The Empty Chair).
I have a blog about politics in Colombia. I
blog because I like the freedom provided by the internet to investigate and
write what you find, without having to work for someone else.

We haven't really found a commercial business
model for bloggers in Colombia yet, and still depend in great part on
international co-operation. But we feel we have had the freedom to tell
everything we know, which is great.
I wouldn't say that it is a privilege that
every Colombian has. In Bogota we are a lot more protected. In many areas of
Colombia still under the control of illegal groups or under the intimidation of
corrupt politicians or armed officials, press freedom is still just an
I think that we have a window of opportunity
to write, blog and publish freely on the internet.
But there is the risk that if someone finally
finds a business model for the web, the big economic conglomerates will conquer
the space.
Then the idea that all voices are equal on
the web and that what counts is the talent and not the money will become less
true. Or maybe not. Who knows.
Mahmoud Salem, Egypt
Mahmoud Salem is the publisher of the blog Rantings of a Sandmonkey.

At the time, the only freedom-of-speech space
that was available in Egypt was on the internet and no one really brought up
the issues that mattered in the regular media.
It was the only place where
independent-minded people could get information that was denied to them by the
regular media.
I mostly write about Middle East politics and
cultural and social issues, because those are the issues that interest me.
It is far easier to blog in today's Egypt,
but that doesn't mean that press freedom is in any better shape than the days
of [former Egyptian president Hosni] Mubarak.
Ever since the Muslim Brotherhood took over,
we have seen a regression in press freedom and an increase in the number of
actions taken against newspapers, programmes, journalists and channels that are
critical of the current regime.
I believe that the current regime will
continue oppressing media outlets that are critical of them, and we might be
left once again with the internet as the only outlet.
Big media outlets are already facing a crisis
due to the economy and the internet is a space that journalists and activists
have used brilliantly against previous regimes, so things won't be that
different this time.
Change only comes from the free exchange of
ideas and ability to collaborate, and those two are provided by blogging and
social media, so I wouldn't be too relaxed if I was in power.
Robert Bokime Endurance, Nigeria
Robert Bokime Endurance is the publisher and editor-in-chief of BOKISSONTHRONE.....
At Bokissonthrone we blog breaking news and
also about politics, Advertisement, Sport, entertainment, fashion, adventures and
I enjoy being a blogger in order to share
information, knowledge and to enlighten people on the update in our society. I
started publishing while in school. I am a dignify Nigerian that loves writing
and editing critical societal issues geared towards national development within
and outside my own country.
Through my posts and adverts, I hope most
Nigerians will become conscious of their rights. This will spur them towards
national development and health wise, allowing them to hold their leaders to
In Nigeria our logistics and infrastructure
is another challenge we should look unto. It gets frustrating logging in and
publishing articles as the major networks don't work optimally as they should
Electrical we are yet to get to the standard
expected from us as the giant of Africa .
In the Area of Sport our Government should encourage
and contribute to the strength of the up-coming committed youth and Same applies
to the Nollywood industries.
A Freedom of Information Act was signed into
law by the current Nigerian government, which was a good move by them, though
implementation has not been that easy.
I believe more freedom should be given to journalists
to do their jobs without any restrictions, especially if it has nothing to do
with national security.
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