Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Bridal train flee from giant ‘invading machines’ (LOOk)

Wedding photography 2.0

After one couple decided to pose for a very unique wedding photo – being chased by a terrifying T-Rex – it could only be a matter of time before other lovebirds followed in their footsteps.
And now one couple have raised the bar, by mocking up a photo of them and their wedding party fleeing a group of Star Wars monsters.

And now for the sequel! The pair couldn’t resist their bridal party getting chased by a squad of Imperial AT-AT Walker

The huge Star Wars fans decided to pay homage to one of their favourite films by pretending to flee from deadly Star Wars Imperial AT-AT Walkers.

And it would appear the couple threw themselves into the idea, with the bride looking genuinely petrified as the huge machines dwarf her and her wedding party.

The menacing AT-AT Walkers can be seen stomping through a city in pursuit of the terrified party – and the bride and groom really committed to the picture

The groom is in danger of being outrun by a posse of bridesmaids clad in pink – but even in times of panic they have all managed to hang on to their bouquets.
The image was taken by Toronto-based Little Blue Lemon photography after an image of a bridal party being followed by the huge Tyrannosaurus went viral, io9 reported.
They said the couple were inspired by the wedding picture of a couple and their 16 friends and relatives being chased by a rampaging dinosaur.

The couple said: ‘Here’s our take on the idea… mostly because Leslie (and us) are huge Star Wars nerds!
‘We couldn’t resist their bridal party getting chased by a squad of Imperial AT-AT Walkers! lol. So for all you Star Wars fans, this ones (Sic) for you.’

Unexpected guest: Getting married can be a darting prospect, but this bride has a good reasons to look terrified.. she is being chased by a menacing T-Rex. The amusing photo is the creation of Quinn Miller, 22, who Photoshopped the giant dinosaur chasing the entire wedding party out of their ceremony
Mr Miller does not know what the newlyweds reaction will be – they are currently away on their honeymoon. ‘I don’t know that I’ll ever shoot a more fun wedding,’ he said
The amusing photo of the T-Rex group was the creation of Quinn Miller, 22, who digitally added the giant dinosaur chasing the entire wedding party out of the ceremony.
Mr Miller took the shot at the wedding of Katie Young, 23, and James Lowder, 21, from Louisiana at The Myrtles Plantation on Sunday.

He told that he had known the groom for a while and knew he was a fan of dinosaurs so he pitched the idea to him a few days before the wedding and he ‘loved the concept.’

Incredibly the dramatic photo – featuring 16 guests and the happy couple – was taken in just one shot at the weekend.
‘They are such a fun couple and a fun wedding party that all I had to do is tell them to run away from an invisible dinosaur. And they did. We did it in one take – the entire shooting process in two minutes tops,’ he told

‘I’ve seen it done twice,’ Miller told Good  Morning America ‘I saw one that was kind of viral when it happened, but it just wasn’t that great. Then I saw another one that was just a generic dinosaur picture with the people put into a prehistoric scene. But I’m really nit-picky about Photoshop.’
Mr Miller added a stock image of a T-Rex and painstakingly altered the image, before posting it on his Facebook page on Monday under the heading ‘Things got real crazy at the Lowder wedding last night.’

His snap instantly went viral and has now spread across the internet, being hailed as the ‘best wedding photo ever.’
Mr Miller does not know what the newlyweds reaction will be – they are currently away on their honeymoon.
‘I don’t know that I’ll ever shoot a more fun wedding,’ Mr Miller said.

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