Thursday, June 26, 2014

The House will sue President Obama Accusing Him of Abusing Executive Authority.

WASHINGTON — The Republican-led House will file a lawsuit accusing President Obama of abusing his executive authority by failing to carry out laws passed by Congress, Speaker John Boehner announced Wednesday.
“I believe the President is not faithfully executing the laws of our country,” Boehner wrote in a memo.

 The House plans on suing President Obama, claiming that he is abusing his executive authority by failing to carry out laws passed by Congress.

The House plans on suing President Obama, claiming that he is abusing his executive authority by failing to carry out laws passed by Congress.

 The lawsuit has the potential to energize Republican voters ahead of the approaching midterm elections, when control of Congress will be at stake — but Boehner (R-Ohio) denied any political motivations.
He accused Obama of “ignoring some statutes completely, selectively enforcing others, and, at times, creating laws of his own.”
He also said Obama is “straining the boundaries of the solemn oath he took on Inauguration Day” — but he declined to endorse right-wing calls to impeach the President.

“This is not about impeachment, this is about his faithfully executing the laws of our country,” Boehner said.
White House spokesman Josh Earnest denied Obama has acted illegally.

“The fact that they are considering a taxpayer-funded lawsuit against the President of the United States for doing his job, I think, is the kind of step that most Americans wouldn’t support,” Earnest said.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called the lawsuit a distraction. “They’re doing nothing here and so they have to give some aura of activity,” Pelosi said of the Republicans.

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