Thursday, June 26, 2014

Wise Words of Wisdom from an Irish Mammy

Considering not everyone in the world is fortunate enough to have an Irish Mammy, here are some of the best one liners from O’Regan’s Twitter account.
\"One1.  We can’t have you going out the door looking like that. Give it here to me and I’ll put a stitch in it.

2. They’re saying now it could stay dry until the middle of next WEEK! We won’t KNOW ourselves.

3. Who didn’t wipe their feet on the way in?

4. The nights are drawing in.

5. They’ll be soaked. And I told them to bring an umbrella but you might as well be talking to the wall.

6. We should have sent Katie in to talk to the IMF that time. There’d have been no messing.

7. I’d better take the phone off the hook before Katie comes on and I normally only do that for Coronation Street.

8. You’ll get another year out of those trousers. Give them over to me and I’ll take the turn-ups out of them.

9. You look a bit pale. Would you not stay in and give the gallivanting a rest for one night?

10. Is that the latest thing now? Twas far away from Fifty Shades of Grey ye were all reared.

What’s the best nugget of wisdom you have ever got from your Irish mammy?

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