Monday, July 14, 2014

Baby Girl Born without a Nose due to extremely rare condition

Meet the adorable baby girl who was born without a NOSE.
Seventeen-month-old Tessa Evans was born with a rare condition, known as complete congenital arhinia, which means the nose did not develop in the womb.
As a newborn, Tessa was put in the neonatal intensive care unit with tubes to help her breathe.
Complete arhinia is so rare that it's estimated that Tessa is 1 in 100 million.

The cute tot has no sense of smell, has no sinuses but she can cough, sneeze and catch a cold, and despite her difficulties, she always has a smile on her face.
Proud mom, Gráinne Evans, 30, said: "At first I just couldn't understand it, I didn't even know it was possible.

"How did my little girl not have a nose? Was she going to live? Would anyone be able to help her?
 Tessa is set to have surgery in which a nose-shaped mold will be inserted through an incision along her hair line and placed where her nose should be — as she grows her ‘nose’ will be adjusted.
"But ever since we got her home she's grown every day, smiled more and shone brighter, and the more she shines the more her differences fade into the background.

"Tessa is so petite but she's the most determined little girl I know, she adores her big brother and sister, copies everything they do and despite her 'disabilities' is already a typical, fearless toddler who climbs the furniture and loves to dance.

"Everyone who meets her instantly falls in love with her. We just want her to inspire other people like she inspires us."

Gráinne, who chose to have a natural water birth, had no idea that her daughter would be born without a nose until she lifted her new-born out of the birth pool for the first time.
 Nathan and Gráinne Evans are so proud of their daughter who was born with an incredibly rare disease, arhinia.
Weeks after giving birth to her extraordinary daughter, Gráinne discovered a horrifying journal online which stated that babies born like Tessa had poor mental and physical development and implied parents should be given the option to terminate their pregnancy.

The full time care giver and mother-of-three from Maghera, County Derry, says that her daughter proves that statement wrong and wants to raise awareness about the condition and to make sure every child born with arhinia around the world is loved and looked after.
Gráinne said: "I was so excited to have a natural birth for the first time, but as soon as I saw her face I knew something was wrong.

"I was in shock and I just froze. The midwife cut the cord before I could even say anything and whisked her away from me."

Gráinne's pregnancy had been completely normal but at her 20-week scan an abnormally flat facial profile was detected.

Gráinne and her husband Nathan, 32, a nightclub manager, were told to prepare to make difficult decisions but the follow up 3-D scan and tests revealed Tessa was perfectly healthy and everything was normal.
But sadly what was meant to be the happiest moment of Grainne's life turned into the most horrifying nightmare.

Gráinne said: "The whole thing is a complete blur and I don't remember much, Nathan has had to fill in the blanks.

"There were alarm bells ringing and I was so frightened I couldn't stand without fainting, I just wanted to hold my baby and know she was okay.

"Doctors were able to stabilize her so she could breathe on her own and eventually I was allowed to hold her for a few seconds. I kissed her forehead and told her I loved her before they took her away.

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