Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Queens Man Sentenced to life in prison

for murdering his parents over fear they'd leave him out of their will


 The impact statement from the family members of murdered couple Rosie and Sugrim Jaggarnauth was read during the sentencing. 
Shane Jaggarnauth was sentenced after a prosecutor read the statements.This is another statement that was read at the sentencing. 

NYC PAPERS OUT. Social media use restricted to low res file max 184 x 128 pixels and 72 dpiA heartless Queens man will spend the rest of his life in prison for killing his parents in a cold-blooded act of greed that a judge called “disgusting.”

Shane Jaggarnauth, 26, was sentenced to life without parole Tuesday after a prosecutor read letters from the killer’s aunt and uncle demanding justice.
“We are hoping he will be punished to the upmost of the law,” read the letter by Doolarie Poliah, whose sister and brother-in-law, Rosie and Sugrim Jaggarnauth, were shot to death Sept. 2, 2011, in their Springfield Gardens home.

Shane Jaggarnauth committed the horrific crime because he feared he would be cut out of their will.

“This is disgusting!” Judge Gregory Lasak told the killer.
Jaggarnauth staged the crime scene to appear as if he had been wounded by an intruder who killed his parents. He was arrested about a month after the slayings, long enough to blow $20,000 of his parents’ savings on women he was dating.

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