Wednesday, September 3, 2014

'Their Horrific acts only unite us'

Obama vows to 'degrade, destroy' ISIS following Steven Sotloff's execution'Our reach is long and justice will be served,' Obama said.

America is ready to “degrade and destroy” the savage terrorists who beheaded two innocent journalists, President Barack Obama said Wednesday.

After ISIS released video of a masked fighter executing Steven Sotloff Tuesday, Obama promised to eliminate the threat of the Islamic State in the Middle East.

Speaking from Estonia, where he addressed leaders of Baltic nations anxious about Russia's aggression, Obama vowed to create a coalition to fight against ISIS — the same vicious group that beheaded journalist James Foley last month.

Obama did not provide a timeline or details about specific actions.
"It'll take time to roll them back," he said, adding that, "our reach is long and justice will be served.”

 Following the brutal beheading of American journalist Steven Sotloff, President Obama said the U.S. will build a coalition to fight ISIS.

Obama blasted ISIS and its “barbaric and ultimately empty vision,” promising that America wouldn’t forget the “terrible crime against these two fine young men."

“Whatever these murderers think they will achieve by murdering innocents like Steven, they have already failed," Obama said. "We will not be intimated. Their horrific acts only unite us."
Meanwhile, the White House announced it was sending an extra 350 troops to Iraq, where U.S. forces are already fighting back ISIS terrorists, ABC News reported.

While the added military detail is purely defensive, they will help guard Americans already stationed in Iraq. U.S. troops have already expanded their anti-ISIS campaign throughout the country, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said.

Video of Sotloff’s apparent beheading surfaced Tuesday. U.S. officials verified the clip as authentic early Wednesday.

In the gruesome video, a masked executioner explained the the journalist's execution was retaliation for America’s airstrike campaign against the terrorist group. Before killing the Miami native, terrorist warned that "our knife will continue to strike the necks of your people.”

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