Thursday, September 25, 2014

When should you Toss out Food to Rubbish?

QUESTION TIME FANS!!! How much food do you end up tossing in the rubbish? If you’re like most people, it’s far too much. In fact, about a third of the food for human consumption is wasted globally, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

That waste quickly adds up. A family of four in the US throws away an average of $2,148 worth of food per year, and the average UK household dumps about £634 ($1,031), according to the European Parliamentary Research Service.

There is no way to avoid tossing some food when it becomes too old, but what if we are pitching things that are perfectly good? There are ways to steer through the confusing and often misleading “use by” “sell by” and “best by” dates on packaging.
 Click “play” on the arrow above to learn how you can save money — and those canned goods.

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