Thursday, January 8, 2015


I Wants To Live 55 Years More news

Famous film maker and music director Kemi Adetiba, turned 35 year old today, Thursday 8 January 2014 and she’s wishing herself 55 more years to come.

“Here's to 55 more years with good health, my eye sight and all my teeth. Let's turn it up a notch this year. More favour, blessings, food, unconditional love, travel and hearty laughs. 

May God never turn his back on me. Let's all that will be mine, be MINE!!! And let's do it all looking FABULOUS!! #ChampagneBreakfast #BirthdayGirl #35NeverLookedSoGood #thebruceleeofvisuals #TheRamboOfStoryTelling #ChuckNorrisOfAllMedia #VisualManipulator #TenTenMaster #KemiAdetibaVisuals2015,” she wrote on her Instagram page with a picture of a glass of wine.
Lots of other music stars have also been flooding her social media accounts with blissful birthday messages.
“Big happy birthday shout out to my home girl, the beautiful and incredibly talented @kemiadetiba. Wishing you all the best & much more success,” BankyW wrote.

“#thebruceleeofvisuals is celebrating her birthday to day! Ladies and gentlemen pls help wish my sister, friend @kemiadetiba happy birthday. I love her cos she hearts her job and loves God. 

#womenthatpraytogethercountbillionstogether . Shout out to u mama #grammytinsin2015,” Waje also poured hers out.

”@kemiadetiba now i could have  just put up a pic of u all glossy and all , but i wanted you to remember moments. These were a few. NYC after sushi samba , straight to lotus in 2008. And prior to that in 2007 headed to the white party at babylon. Its been a long time dear and still plenty more memories to go. God bless u and continue to increase the illumination ur star brings. Happy birthday,” Ikechukwu wrote on his Instagram.

For Niyola who’s award winning video ‘Toh Bad’ was shot by the birthday girl, Kemi, she has this to say to the talented music video director, ”If I start to write everything I really want to , the space on here wouldn't contain it so I ll just say this .... I am blessed to have you in my life and you already know that I love you pieces and I am in awe of your talent and how beautiful you are in and out ! I wish you everything you wish for yourself ,God's special grace and favour , long life in perfect health so that you can keep cooking and I can eat then we can turn up , and conquer the world ! . Happy birthday boo.”

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