ALBANY - Asserting that
physician-assisted suicide is not “death with dignity,” Timothy Cardinal Dolan
says the Church is launching an aggressive fight against efforts in New York to
legalize the practice.
“The real death with
dignity, the real heroes are those who die naturally, who take each day at a
time, savoring everything they’ve got. That is death with dignity,” Dolan said
in an exclusive interview with the Daily News.
Dolan’s campaign comes as a
bill to legalize assisted suicide is being introduced in the legislature and
after three terminally ill patients in New York last week sued the state to
spare doctors who give “aid in dying” from prosecution.
Dolan said he wasn’t
surprised by the suit, noting that often when the political will is not there
to pass a law, people have taken to the courts to try to force change, he said.
“Whenever there’s something
that would affect the dignity of the human person or the sacredness of human
life, it’s not surprising that believers would rise up to defend those two
principles,” he said.
The state Catholic
Conference that is headed by Dolan has created a new website -
http://www.catholicendoflife.org - to be unveiled Monday designed to serve as a
resource to Catholics in New York and nationally regarding end-of-life
Though in the works before
the right-to-die debate cropped up in New York, Dolan hopes it will shape the
conversation by educating people on the options they face in their dying days.
He said the Catholics are
not alone in opposing physician assisted suicide. Evangelical Christians,
Latter-day Saints, the Greek Orthodox, and Orthodox Jews, also oppose the idea.
“There’s going to be a whole
interfaith coalition to help oppose this,” Dolan said.
Dolan accused supporters of
the measure of trying to make it more palatable to the public by calling it
“death with dignity” much in the way the pro-abortion movement adopted the
phrase “pro-choice.”
“The other side often has
better marketing,” Dolan said. “They have better slogans and sound bites.”
Dolan says the Catholic
Church does not preach that dying people be required to take extraordinary
measures to stay alive. But once refusing further treatment, they can avail
themselves to palliative care, like hospice.
“If people want to talk
about death with dignity, let’s talk about fortifying a magnificent service
like hospice,” he said.
Assisted suicides devalue
human life, he added.
“The believing community, by
that I mean Christians and Jews, would have a philosophical problem with that,”
Dolan said. “There are certain things we don’t choose - that would be the
beginning and end of life. We believe the Lord has dominion over that.”.
He cited the words of Pope
John Paul II, who spoke of a culture of death.
“I’m just afraid of
cheapening human life,” Dolan said. “There’s a great move in contemporary
society to make one’s worth and dignity synonymous with one’s ability to
produce, achieve and be useful.
“When we move in that
direction, the weak and the fragile will always be left behind.”
People who are diagnosed
with months to live can often defy expectations and their judgment can be
clouded by fear and depression, he said.
The battle is set to be
fought on two stages - the statehouse and courtrooms.
The News reported in
December that state Sen. Brad Hoylman (D-Manhattan) was introducing a “Death
With Dignity Act” to make New York the fifth state to allow physician-assisted
suicide. Sen. Diane Savino (D—Staten Island) is signing on as a co-sponsor to
the bill that could be introduced as soon as Monday.
Hoylman said he was moved by
the case of Brittany Maynard, the terminally ill California woman who became
the public face of the right-to-die movement when she moved to Oregon to end
her life under that state's "Death With Dignity Act."
Maynard, who had an
aggressive form of brain cancer, took her life on Nov. 1.
An Assembly “Death With
Dignity” bill has already been introduced by Linda Rosenthal (D-Manhattan) and
referred to the chamber’s Health Committee.
“When an individual has a
terminal illness, the effects are often debilitating, filled with discomfort
and agony,” she wrote in a bill sponsor memo. “Even with the assistance of
palliative care doctors and supportive groups, it is common for patients to
never feel relief or reach a level of comfort in which to die peacefully.”
Assisted suicide is
currently legal in Oregon, Washington, Vermont and Montana. States like New
Jersey and California have been debating the issue.
Dolan fears if assisted
suicide is legalized, terminally ill people, fearing they’ve become a burden,
could be pressured into ending their lives prematurely by their families,
doctors, or insurance companies.
“We feel we’ve got political
wisdom on our side,” he said, noting that a more than two-decade old study of
the issue done under then Gov. Mario Cuomo- the current governor’s father- came
out against allowing assisted suicide.
He said the Church also has
the medical community on its side. The American Medical Association opposes
physician-assisted suicide. An opinion on the AMA website says that the
practice is “fundamentally incompatible with the physician’s role as a healer.”
Dolan agrees.
“Right now when a doctor
walks into a room, a patient has a sense of hope - ‘here's somebody to help
me,’” he said. “If a doctor becomes an agent of someone who wants to end things
- no wonder the medical profession is against it.”
The Cardinal said the
opponents of assisted suicide must remain vigilant given New York’s history on
socially progressive issues like abortion and gay marriage.
“We know that the climate
among some leadership is to promote the kind of things that we find abhorrent,”
he said. “We’re afraid the climate might be somewhat hospitable to what we
consider would be a very lethal movement.”
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