Thursday, March 19, 2015

White House holds off on congratulating Benjamin Netanyahu despite apparent victory in Israel's prime minister race

President Obama and his administration are putting off congratulating Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on his election victory Tuesday.

 President Obama (r.) has yet to congratulate  Israel’s  Benjamin Netanyahu (l.), with the White House saying it will await official word on the victor of Tuesday’s election for prime minister.
The delay, which came as the European Union and many Republicans in the U.S. congratulated Netanyahu, is sure to be seen as a snub of a leader with an acrimonious relationship with Obama.

White House aide David Simas said during an appearance on CNN on Wednesday morning that the White House will await formation of a new Israeli governing coalition, expected to take weeks, before acknowledging a winner.TOPSHOTS
"We want to congratulate the Israeli people for the democratic process for the election that they just engaged in with all the parties that engaged in that election,” Simas said without mentioning Netanyahu.
“We're going to give space to the formation of that coalition government and we're not going to weigh in one way or another except to say that the United States and Israel have a historic and close relationship, and that will continue,” Simas said.

Labor Party chief Isaac Herzog, who fell short of Netanyahu by a surprisingly large margin, has not conceded defeat. Herzog said he will try to form ruling coalition.
Netanyahu angered many Democrats by speaking out in an address to Congress against Obama’s efforts to reach a diplomatic deal to freeze Iran’s nuclear program.
The day before Israelis voted, the prime minister abandoned his support for a Palestinian state.
His shift, made to pick up support from right-wing Israeli voters, is a blow to hopes of restarting the peace process.

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