Thursday, May 28, 2015

Exclusive Q&A with Arsenal's Olivier Giroud

That, however, was just one of the subjects up for discussion...

Max Rushen: How was training today?
Olivier Giroud: “It was nice, with fantastic weather. We could work well.”

When there’s a cup final so close, do you really train or do you just try and not get injured?
“We are not thinking about injuries. We train normally, like usual. You don’t think about it.”

If it were me I wouldn’t go into any challenge two days before.
“No, it’s the best way. When you think about it, you have to do it properly.”

You played in last year’s FA Cup final – what’s the day like?
“It’s a great feeling to have all those fans singing and cheering for us. I’m looking forward to the day.

Are you hoping for a slightly easier game than last year?
“Yes, it’s always a tough game. We are expecting a strong Aston Villa team in front of us. We really respect them, even if they had that trouble at the start of the season. In a one-off game anything can happen. You have to be aware.”

What’s that feeling like – winning the FA Cup?
“It’s a target of the season to win a trophy, so it’s a great feeling. It means you have reached your target. In every type of job you have to reach your target and it’s a great feeling to reach this one.”

If you get a hat-trick – that would take you to 21 goals for the season, do you set a target for the season?
“No, not at all.”

But you’d like a hat-trick?
“I would love it, maybe four or five! It doesn’t just depend on me though. I will give my best that’s for sure. If we win 1-0 and I score the winning goal then I will be happy with that.”
Do you have your holiday booked for the next day?
“Not the next day. After the FA Cup final I have to go off with the national team. I’ve got to wait for three weeks before having a holiday.”

Are you excited about your holiday?
“I have to wait. We have to do the job and we are professionals so we have to go with the national team. It’s true that it is a shame though because we have only friendly games, but we are professional and we have to go and play. It is for your country. I am very proud of that.”

Are you going to Dubai or Las Vegas? In fact, I have this image of you in little gite in the south of France, going on country walks and doing oil paintings.
“Yes, I love the south of France. We have everything we need for relaxing and enjoying our time. There are wonderful areas and places. We will go there for sure and I will go far away with my wife just to see the sun and beach.”

Do you miss France?
“Yes. I miss the weather and, even though we have great restaurants in London, I’m an epicure, and I love great French wine and gastronomy. I miss that a bit.”

What’s your dream plate?
“I come from the mountains and I used to eat melted cheese when I’m skiing. It’s called a raclette but it’s not good for the body. Sometimes in the winter I eat some of them. I really want to be skiing.”

Are you allowed to ski?
“No, that’s why I’m looking forward to retiring! Then I can ski.”

In the summer, I know you have to be careful, but do you eat a little bit too much and come back fat?
“No. I lose a bit of weight so I come back even lighter than during the season. I usually lose around 1-2kgs. I’m not used to eating a lot in the summer because of the heat, it doesn’t make me hungry.”

Lots of players are doing interviews around us – which of those eats too much and comes back overweight.
“To be honest, with my body, because I am tall and quite heavy, I am one of the players who eats the most. I remember last year when I was so surprised by how much Carl Jenkinson could put in his stomach. Mathieu Flamini as well. He’s got a little body but he eats so much, it’s crazy.”

All through the season or just the summer?
“All through the season, I don’t know about the summer because I don’t spend my summer with him. He eats two plates of spaghetti or couscous, that’s his favourite. Always couscous.”

You have amazing hair. I am jealous, I have curly hair, what do you do to keep your hair so perfect?
"It’s just natural. My hair is thick so it stays where I put it! I put some texture in to keep it in the right position but I don’t pay attention to it in the game."

If you went on the pitch and your hair wasn’t perfect, would it affect your game?
"No, because I love to play in the rain, so I don’t mind."

I don’t know if you are upset this season that Graziano Pelle and Emre Can have great hair? That is great competition for you
"That is great competition for me and it is nice to have these guys who are competing with me."

I like classic boots. These are my Puma Kings. Why would you go away from the simple, beautiful Puma King?
"They are the proper shoes I used to wear before. It is kangaroo leather and really comfortable and Puma is one of the brands that has improved itself the most in the last few years. I would advise people to try them."

Do you want to borrow them for the FA Cup final?
"I think it is not the same size. I am a ten-and-a-half."

These are a ten-and-a-half! I scored four this season. Do you want them for the final?
"Ah, so I can wear them. OK, I promise I will wear them!"

I went on to Twitter for some questions for you. You can answer them or pass. This is Darius. He says: “How is Olivier so beautiful. What is his beauty routine?”
"I just have to thank my mum and my dad, that is all."

Ben says: “What are your aims and ambitions for Euro 2016?”
"It is going to be in France so people will expect a lot from us. We have pressure on our shoulders but we have a fantastic squad so hopefully we will be among the last three, four teams."

Chris says: “If you didn’t play football what job would you have?”
"I would have chosen maybe to be a physical trainer or sports trainer. I did some studies at university to become a physical trainer."

DJ Arsenal says: “What is the best goal you have scored for Arsenal?”
"One of the best is definitely the one against Man City when I shot from 25 yards and I put right into the top corner."

Laurie says: “Do you like your Arsenal song? Are the other Arsenal players jealous you have such a good song? Can you sing the song?
"La, la, la, la, la la, la, la, la, la, laaaaaaa...Giroud. They put the D at the end. We don’t pronounce the D in France but the fans can do anything they want as long as they carry on singing my song.”

This is from Stephen: “Do you know the game snog, marry, avoid? You have to kiss one, marry one and never see the other one again and the three are Arsene Wenger, Per Mertesacker and Mesut Ozil.”
"I would kiss Mesut, marry the boss and Per the last one."

So you would never see Per again?
"I will see him again because he is my neighbour, so that is why I choose him!"

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