Monday, June 8, 2015

Albany must extend and toughen rent laws to save tenants

Just one week from today, state rent laws that protect tenants here in New York City by controlling the soaring cost of housing are set to expire.

 Mayor de Blasio said 2 million New Yorkers depend on rent regulations, which will expire next week. He said state lawmakers must extend and strengthen these laws.
To let these laws expire would be a disaster for the 2 million New Yorkers who depend on these protections to stay in their homes, in their communities — to stay in New York City.

To simply extend these laws without strengthening them would be a tremendous missed opportunity to tackle head-on the affordability crisis that plagues too many workers, families and tenants.

Since rent laws were last extended in 2011, more than 35,000 affordable apartments left rent regulation — putting enormous pressure on working families and tenants.
Now is the time for Albany to act to truly improve these rent protections.
We cannot allow this pattern to continue. My administration has proposed a package of rent regulation reforms to protect renters and enhance affordable housing.

* End high-rent vacancy decontrol: Under current law, when rent on an apartment reaches a certain level, that unit can be removed from rent regulation. This needs to end so more units remain rent-protected, not less.

* End the vacancy allowance: Currently: When tenants vacate an apartment, the rent can be boosted by 20% — providing a huge incentive for bad actors to push tenants out of their homes. It’s time to stop this automatic increase.
* Make rent increases from improvements temporary: By making surcharges for improvements temporary, instead of a permanent addition to tenant’s rent, greater affordability for tenants can be preserved.

These reforms would dramatically strengthen rent regulation laws. But Albany must act to pass them — and soon.

There have been some encouraging signs. The Assembly has passed a reform package, and Gov. Cuomo has voiced support for these reforms, and he should be commended.
But with just one week before these laws expire, action is needed.
Now is the time to strengthen rent laws to protect 2 million New Yorkers.

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