Thursday, June 4, 2015

MTN Zambia launches 21 days of Y’ello care

MTN Zambia’s support to education in Zambia is holistic as we take a multi-sectoral approach, says chief executive officer Abdul Ismail.


This week, MTN Zambia launched its annual staff volunteer programme dubbed ‘21 Days of Y’ello Care’ with a call for a multi-sectoral approach to education. The campaign started on June 1, 2015 and is expected to end on 21st June 2015.
According to a statement issued in Lusaka yesterday, this year’s 21 Days of Y’ello Care initiative will see MTN staff start vegetable gardens at Chunga Secondary School in Lusaka and St Francis Secondary School in Kitwe. 
This is an initiative meant to encourage pupils to take up farming as a career. 

MTN Zambia staff will also raise money to buy braille printers for the visually impaired at Munali Secondary School in Lusaka and computers for the physically challenged at Chibote Secondary School in Kitwe as part of the main secondary campaign. 

According to the statement, for the supporting secondary campaign, MTN members of staff will translate literacy materials into four local languages, namely Bemba, Nyanja, Lozi and Tonga, and the material will be loaded on an Interactive Smart Whiteboard to be donated at Rokana Primary School in Kitwe.

“This is done through diverse sustainable social interventions meant to improve the lives of those communities. Our objective is to create positive associations with the MTN brand by demonstrating the willingness of our staff to get involved in community upliftment,” said Ismail. “As MTN Zambia, we are excited by the theme as we appreciate the importance of enhancing education in our country. Our support is holistic as we take a multi-sectoral approach to education. We believe in developing both the mind and the skills sets of students to maximise their learning abilities through the provision of a learner friendly environment beyond the classroom.”

This year’s theme for annual event MTN Zambia had practiced since 2007 has been maintained from last year’s Investing in education for all. 

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