Tuesday, June 16, 2015

NERC licenses 4 firms to generate 774mw of electricity

Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) has issued on-grid licences to four companies to generate 774 megawatts (mw) of electricity.

The companies are to generate electricity from solar and gas.
The companies are Pan Africa Solar Limited, based in Kankia, Katsina State, to generate 24mw from solar, and Nigeria Solar Capital Partners Limited, based in Ganjuwa, Bauchi State, to generate 100mw from solar.

Others are Proton Energy Limited, based in Ogorode, Delta State, to generate 150mw from gas, and Turbine Drives Limited, based in Ajaokuta, to generate 500mw from gas.
Sam Amadi, chairman of NERC, who presented the licences to the com- panies in Abuja on Mon- day, told the companies to abide by the rules of the market, saying that rules and procedures guiding the operations of the mar- ket were globally compa- rable.

“We do our best to fol- low the rules which are globally comparable. I want to reassure every- body that NERC over the years has built a reputation of consistent rules making and honest application of rules.
“We can pride our- selves probably as the most transparent agency in this country. We will continue in the practice of openness, transpar- ency and consultation by following the rules,’’ he said.

He said the commission was ready to support investors who were ready to invest in new energy sources to boost the power sector, and assured that every company would get a cost reflective tariff as provided in the Electric- ity Act.
Abba Ibrahim, com- missioner for Engineer- ing Standards and Safety, warned that the commission would revoke the licence of any company un- able to deliver its mandate, as the commission would tighten up its operations as it continued to regulate the power sector.
NERC licenses 4 firms to generate 774mw of electricitySimilarly, Stephen Andzenger, commissioner of Legal, Licencing and Enforcement, urged the companies to live up to the expectations of consumers, saying “we have been lenient in the past but we will no longer continue that way.’’
Oti Ikomi, vice-chair- man of Proton Energy, promised that the company would generate 500mw in the second phase of the project, describing the licence presentation as a milestone in the change agenda of the present administration.

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