Tuesday, July 7, 2015

'No concrete plan' before summit

Greece has submitted "no concrete proposals" for a new bailout, at a key meeting of eurozone finance ministers, Malta's PM says.

 Greek bank queue, 7 July
Joseph Muscat tweeted that this "doesn't help this evening's eurozone leaders' meeting" in Brussels.

The eurozone had urged Greece to submit fresh plans after its people rejected a new draft bailout in a referendum.
Greek PM Alexis Tsipras is to address the European Parliament on Wednesday, a Greek government source said.
Greece debt crisis: Latest updates

'No time to waste'

Reports say that the Greek side gave a presentation at the finance ministers' meeting on Tuesday. However, there was no new written plan.
Spanish Economy Minister Luis de Guindos told a Spanish reporter: "There was no proposal. We only talked about general things. And we don't have time to waste."
One source told Reuters: "They say they will submit a new request and outline of proposals, maybe tomorrow (Wednesday)."
Reflecting the level of difficulty at the meeting, another eurozone official said: "If they really plan to present something formal tomorrow, they may not find anyone to read it."

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