Back then, in 1972, Johan never thought he was about to start his first
investigation into the real man-made origin of Aids and Ebola, which he
has already written and published in his book: “Aids and Ebola the
greatest crime in medical history against mankind,” now available at http://www.amazon.com/AIDS-EBOLA-Greatest-Medical-History-ebook/dp/B00QZCYMSS
Experiments with dubious vaccines on innocent children
In Australia between 1940 and 1970, hundreds of orphaned children,
including babies were used as guinea pigs, to test vaccines against
influenza, pertussis and herpes. This medical crime was later confirmed
by David Vaux, an Australian expert on infections. In the largest
experiment, 350 children, including young infants, aged between 3 and 36
months, were injected with doses intended for adults.
The idea was that the response would be of advantage or bring
positive results, to carry on with the test. Such experiments, according
to Vaux, weren’t secret. They discussed these experiments, just in
medical journals and they fit within the then ethical standards. The
Walter and Eliza Institute in Melbourne, where the tests were performed,
revealed that the orphans after the ‘vaccination’ were plagued by a
variety of diseases which nowadays can be compared with the fall out of
Many homes were run by the church and the management always worked
along with the tests. Those tests most likely have continued even after
1970, according to the book entitled Kalikineros: “Every Second Child”,
indicating that in 1974, a mysterious infant mortality among Aborigine
children in Australia occurred. According to Doctor Archie Kalikerinos
and his associate Glen Dettman, it is noticeable that in the early
seventies increase in young infants deaths were recorded.
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