Monday, October 12, 2015

Naked Poses Stark of Darey Art Alade Breaks the Internet view. (PHOTO)

In tune with his soon-to-be-released album entitled naked, Darey Art-Alade left nothing to the imagination by posing stark naked in a set of promotional photos.
It was not clear if the racy photos will be the cover of his new album but it is certainly to generate a lot of controversies.

The photos were shot by ace photographer, Kelechi Amadi-Obi at his Lagos studio.

Since the photos first appeared on his timeline on instagram, other celebrities has jumped on the social media campaign to share their own ‘naked’ experiences. They include AY, Waje, Vecto, Zaina among others. #DareyNaked has garnered almost 25o harshtags on instagram.

Posing completely nude is not entirely nude in the Nigerian entertainment industry especially among female celebrities. Aside veteran musician, Charly Boy, not many has experimented with nudity. However some ladies who have advertise their nudity include include Beverly Osu and Maheeda among others.
Being Naked isn't just about Nudity, it's also about being honest, being vulnerable, being real. Today, I’m asking you all to do something you’ve never done before. Tell someone something (like how much you appreciate them), apologize for something, share something you've been meaning to, launch a new idea you’ve been nursing, a new ambition, anything…and Tag me in it using #DareyNaked #Naked

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