Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Children less likely to develop asthma if raised in home with dogs

Talk about man’s best friend!
A new study reveals that kids raised in a home with dogs are less likely to develop asthma.
The journal JAMA Pediatrics' study of more than 1 million Swedish children also applies to kids who grew up on a farm with animals.

 A Swedish study of more than 1 million children found that those who grew up in homes with dogs had lower rates of asthma.
But children surrounded by dogs did even better than their agrarian pals; they were 15% less likely to later develop asthma than those who did not live with dogs.

“It appears farm environments and rural environments and exposure to farm animals may lead to a more healthy or robust immune system and in some studies appears to be setting the stage to reducing asthma,” says Dr. Clifford W. Bassett, medical director, Allergy and Asthma Care of NY and a professor at NYU and Cornell Medical College.

Though he had yet to peruse this study, Bassett was familiar with earlier studies, such as the Johns Hopkins one from two years ago which found that newborns exposed to household germs, pet and rodent dander and cockroach allergens during their first year had a lower risk of developing asthma.

Researchers also found that the benefits disappeared after the baby’s first year.
The new study and the older one are in keeping with the so-called hygiene hypothesis. That states that children who grow up in houses that are too clean could develop hypersensitive immune systems making them more prone to allergies.
Of course the takeaway for many would be -- adopt that dog and don’t bother vacuuming.
As with any major decision, especially one involving children, Bassett advises checking with a pediatrician if at all in doubt.

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