Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Tips to avoid Thanksgiving traffic jams - Google

You’d be a turkey to drive between 2 and 3 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day in New York.
Google research out Tuesday showed that traffic is at its heaviest then in the city.
Bostonians, who are only a four-hour drive away, experience the worst traffic between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.

“Perhaps those night owl New Yorkers celebrate a little later,” Mara Harris, Google Maps spokesperson, told the Daily News.
Figures released by the search-engine giant also showed that between 4 and 5 p.m. on the Tuesday and Wednesday before Thanksgiving are the worst times to be in a car in advance of the holiday.
Tip from the tech giant: If you’re traveling on Wednesday, leave before 3 p.m. or after 6 p.m. to beat traffic.
Traffic patterns show that it is 8% worse to drive back into the city on Saturday than Sunday on Thanksgiving weekend.
Good to know, since even during a holiday that’s about counting blessings it’s hard to feel thankful when bumper-to-bumper and not moving on the West Side Highway.
New Yorkers can take solace in the fact that in terms of traffic, the Big Apple isn’t even in the top five worst in the country. NYC is ranked number six behind Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., San Francisco Philadelphia and Dallas.

Findings from Google Maps are based on Thanksgiving trends from the last three years. The aim is to make holiday travel and shopping plans run smoothly.
Beyond roadways, Google found that on the day before Thanksgiving, New Yorkers are looking for the Natural History Museum, bakeries and sea food markets.
On the day after Thanksgiving, Big Apple tastes included usual-suspect interests of many big cities, including toy shops and electronics stores. But some NY choices came out of left field.
“Surprisingly,” said Harris, “we also saw that hookah bars and tattoo shops were trending in New York.”

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