Friday, March 4, 2016

Dress Presentable: Looking your Best can help you Crush all of Life's Challenges

Boots so shiny you can see your reflection. Shirts ironed with enough starch they practically hang on their own in the closet. Hair high and tight, or pulled back into a tidy bun.
These are just some of the trappings that come with life in the military. And trust me, there are a lot more where they come from.
Like all codes of conduct, they're designed to teach discipline. But as I've learned as a civilian, and especially through my work as a performance consultant, there's more to it than that.

Simply put: people who pay close attention to their appearance, looking put together at all the times, have a huge leg up in all arenas, from the work place to their personal relationships.
Sure, there are exceptions. Think of the hoodie-wearing Silicone Valley exec or the Hollywood director in dungarees and dingy trainers — though I might argue that those looks are also carefully crafted personas.
Whatever look you choose for yourself, the important thing is that you nail it every time. This has nothing to do with vanity, materialism, or even style sense.
Instead, it's about the very real fact that when you look your best, you're likely to perform the same way.

 People who pay close attention to their appearance, looking put together at all the times, have a huge leg up in all arenas, from the work place to their personal relationships.
Transforming your outward appearance will change how you feel on the inside. Think about first-day-of-school outfits or bridal gowns. Anytime we put our best foot forward, our confidence is elevated and our mood improves. You look good and you know it.
I believe you should strive for this state every day of the week, which is why casual Friday makes my list of top scourges of the modern world.
I'm not a fashion-conscious guy (as my wife will attest), but I still wear a suit every day to the office. Why? Because when I'm dressed that way, it just doesn't feel right to slouch at my desk or waste time on Facebook. The suit tells me it's time to work, that this is the reason why I'm here.
Your office or workplace might not be a suit-and-tie culture, but it's critical that you look put together every time you walk through the door.

There are times when you need to step it up even higher. In my sessions with clients, I talk a lot about optimal performance mode. This is the mindset you need for life's toughest challenge- — say your first presentation at a major conference or a televised appearance to talk about a new business venture.
This is show time. You need to look the part. When a client is faced with this situation, my advice is always the same: go buy something new that you feel like a million bucks in.
It doesn't even have to be an entire outfit. A new shirt, sweater, or shoes can be enough. There's just something about the feeling of brand new clothes that gives a little extra bump needed to reach peak performance.

Your audience will feel it, too, which is another important benefit of looking sharp — especially in highly competitive settings.
Think about athletics. The team or individual that looks more polished, with crisp uniforms and neat hair, will always psyche out the opponent that looks ragged and worn. This mental advantage might be slight, but it can be the difference between victory and defeat.
Now consider your place of work. Is there someone there who always looks a cut above the rest? The next time you're in a meeting with her, pay close attention to the group dynamic. I'll bet you a pair of socks from Paul Stuart that all eyes are on her when she talks.
This will be true even if she isn't the most senior person in the room. That's because she's adhering to the old adage, "Dress for the job you want, not the one you have."
You should adhere to it as well, no matter where you are in your career.
So how do you do it? As I said, I'm not one to hand out fashion advice. Instead, I encourage you to focus on the aspects of appearance that reflect professionalism. Just like in the armed forces, grooming is key. 

Clean fingernails, trimmed or brushed hair, spot- and wrinkle-free clothing should all be part of the foundation of your look.
This might seem totally obvious, but in today's fast-paced world, too many people gloss over these basic yet crucial details that give off an impression of competence and control.
Another key element that's too often neglected is tailoring. I'm not talking about handmade suits (although those are nice if you can afford them). Just make sure your clothes fit!
It's better to wear less expensive pants that are the right size than high-end ones you found on sale but have to stop breathing to get into. In fact, many top stylists and personal shoppers say most clothing needs some kind of tailoring to truly fit well.
So spend a little extra on bringing new purchases to a tailor to take the pant-leg up or waist in. The investment will pay off in dividends.
It all goes back to the simple lessons of military rule. Your appearance is a matter of personal pride as well as a sign of respect to the people around you —whether you're a member of the corps or the commander in charge.

Dress to kill from this day forward, and I guarantee you'll be the one calling the shots before too long.
Erik Bertrand Larssen is a performance consultant who energizes people into successful careers and happier lives. After a career in the military as a paratrooper, he worked in the telecom industry, moved into headhunting and then started mental and career coaching. Holding a Masters degree in business economics, Erik is the No. 1 mental trainer in Norway with clients ranging from business executives at Fortune 500 companies to Olympic medalists. An international bestselling author with books in 14 countries, Erik will have his first English-language book, “Hell Week,” published by Simon & Schuster on June 14, 2016. An Oslo, Norway, native and father of five, Erik splits his time between his hometown and New York City.

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