Friday, March 4, 2016

Want to land an interview? Job expert tells 3 things your résumé should say

Employers have high expectations when it comes to filling their vacant positions. Meanwhile many confident job seekers say, “If I could just get the interview, I could get the job.”

Landing that interview, though, is becoming increasingly difficult, particularly when most employers use applicant tracking systems to filter thousands of résumés quickly for job specific requirements.
If you are lucky enough to get through this first filter, you have a very good chance of having your résumé reviewed by a corporate recruiter and making it to the hiring manager's inbox.

So what happens when your résumé gets reviewed?

In collaboration with Dr. Kenneth Levitt of Frostburg University School of Business, The WorkPlace Group examined 19 distinct résumé characteristics. Rather than speculate about what might drive interview decisions, this study based its conclusions on actual interview decisions made by hiring managers.
From a pool of more than 1,000 résumés, 200 were randomly selected and analyzed. All résumés selected met the basic qualifications for the job as described in employers' job advertisements, and all candidates were called in order to verify their qualifications.
These résumés were then presented to hiring managers. Our objective was to see which of 19 resume characteristics would predict who would receive an interview.
So what are recruiters and hiring managers looking for when it comes to your résumé? How do they decide who to invite to an interview?
Our results can be summarized into three primary résumé characteristics.

1. Relevant, current and continual work experience

Employers most want candidates who have current, relevant work experience with few gaps on their résumés. These are the most highly desirable candidates.
The average unemployment period in our sample was 9.8 months for those selected for interviews.
Now more than ever, it is essential to be "job ready." This means staying employed and keeping your skills current.
If you are out of work, keep your unemployment period as short as possible and show you are still honing your professional skills by helping a charity, attending classes, professional association meetings and other similar activities.
If you are a college student, this means having internship experiences.
However, relevant, current work experience alone is not always enough to receive the interview. Other factors influence the interview decision.

2. College degree or enrolled in a college program
Employers have a preference for college graduates and candidates enrolled in college degree programs. While a college degree is a sign of validation, the degree must correspond appropriately to the occupation.
When it comes to entry-level positions, being enrolled and committed to completing a college degree is almost as valuable as having the degree. The very fact that you are actively attending classes demonstrates your commitment to advance yourself professionally.
It's important to note, though, that having a college degree does not automatically result in being invited to an employment interview. Honors, accolades and other indicators of scholarship are equally important.

3. Scholarship characteristics
Achievements speak volumes and stand out to employers. Fluency in a second language, being a member of an Honors society, having a leadership role in a charitable organization or professional association, and receiving awards for your contributions, have great value to employers.
Such achievements give a candidate a distinct advantage over the competition.

It is worth noting that in our study, GPA was not a strong determinant in predicting who was invited to an interview, nor did it override or serve in the place of the three factors previously discussed.
GPA also is far more important to employers when evaluating candidates who will or have recently graduated, than those who have several years of work experience post-graduation.

"Employers always value good grades, but good grades alone are not always enough to land the job," said Dr. Levitt. "Employers value job candidates who contribute and achieve beyond just academics."
During this time when America finds itself in a "talent crunch," employers find themselves with fewer choices of job candidates with relevant, current work experience.
With an unemployment rate that is expected to stay low, we can anticipate employers to increasingly value indicators beyond work experience.
Degrees, accolades, certifications, awards, leadership roles and other indicators of success will become even stronger influencers on employers' interview decisions, particularly as the job market tightens.

Dr. Steven Lindner is the executive partner of The WorkPlace Group, a leading "think-tank" provider of recruitment services assisting companies ranging from small, fast growing businesses to multinational Fortune 500 companies. The findings of his research will be presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, the oldest of the regional Psychological Associations in the U.S., on Friday, March 4, in New York City.

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