Monday, April 11, 2016

Inside Banking Hall Diamond Bank, Fadeyi, Ikorodu Road

Like most branches of Diamond Bank, this big branch has enough parking spaces it numerous customers. The interior and exterior looked beautiful and clean. However, the services at this branch were unimpressive.

During the length of this observation, there were a large number of customers inside the banking hall.
Four tellers were attending to regular banking transactions, two customer service personnel were handling complaints, while two attendants were handling cash deposit in the bulk room.

Although there were some other operations staffs attending to the numerous customers, their services were extremely slow. The customer service personnel, although polite and professional, were also very slow, just the tellers were slow as well. However, the security guard did a good job in trying to ease the queue. He would regularly come to the queue to direct cash paying customers to the bulk room and those withdrawing to another queue.

Diamond bank has massively increased its retail customer base but with the observation at this branch and some other branches recently, the management of the bank is advised to come up with more innovative ideas and introduce more alternative banking channels in order to decongest the banking halls.

Nume Ekeghe

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