Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Save a soul : #oneFOAMoneNET on World Malaria Day (April 25) at Makoko.

We are a people that not just identify an issue, we also proffer solution.

This is to say, having identified an issue of lack in the Makoko community health centre , we are also  gearing towards being a part of the solution with our project #oneFOAMoneNET on World Malaria Day (April 25) at Makoko. 

 Makoko is a water based  community struggling with the issue of malaria due to improper waste management and disposal habits.
The 15 self-funded health centres in the community inspite of poor health care facility are doing their best to reduce the monthly death rate in the community. 

The good news is that you too can be one of the saviours in the community. With your N10,500, you can provide a mattress and a mosquito net to one of these health centres.

Join the #oneFOAMoneNET crusade today to improve health care delivery in the community.

A mattress and a mosquito net is no luxury to the sick but a necessity. Donate today and save life.

Please spread this for us.
Retink Media/Bokissonthrone Media.

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