Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Robert Shapiro reveals the words O.J. Simpson whispered to him after being acquitted

The jury is no longer out on the first words O.J. Simpson whispered after being acquitted of double murder.

In his first interview in over two decades, lawyer Robert Shapiro part of Simpson’s dream team defense and recently portrayed by John Travolta on TV  finally revealed the two sentences Simpson said to him in 1995.
“You told me this would be the result from the beginning. You were right,” he told journalist Megyn Kelly on Tuesday during her primetime special.

Shapiro, who stills practices law, also confessed to trying on the infamous bloody glove used as crucial evidence in the trial.
“It was a little bit wide in my palm and a little bit long in my fingers. O.J. Simpson has enormous hands, and I knew that the glove would not fit him. No question about it. Wouldn't even be close,” he recalled.
Twenty years after the rhyming moment that ensued, Shapiro and the trial of the century received newfound attention recently, via the small screen adaptation “People v. O.J.”
The 73-year-old still won’t discuss his “moral” opinions on the case, explaining he deals in “legal justice.”

He also said there's a “strong possibility” that more than one killer was involved in the murders of Simpson’s ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman.
“There’s no question in my mind that any fair juror who saw that case from the beginning to the end would conclude there was reasonable doubt,” he continued.
Still, he admits the former football star was “inappropriate” with his cheering attitude after the verdict on Oct. 3, 1995.
Years later, when the now-incarcerated Simpson faced jail time again in 2007, Shapiro said he didn't get a call.

"He still owed me money from the first one," he said simply. 
The famous attorney sat down with Kelly as part of her highly anticipated special, which included a sit-down with bombastic presidential candidate Donald Trump and stars Laverne Cox and Michael Douglas.

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