Have you ever taken a shot or a drink as some liquid courage or to take the edge off of an uncomfortable situation?
Self-medicating with alcohol isn't just common — it's often encouraged.

Friends will buy you a shot so you can work up the nerve to talk to
that guy or girl. Your boss might buy you a drink before a presentation
to help relax you.
There's a hidden danger to choosing alcohol to control your anxiety and it can actually make things worse in the long run.
Alcohol increases anxiety
Alcohol is a sneaky devil. You can consider it to be "the friend who
invites you to the bar and then ditches you once you're there" in terms
of its relationship to anxiety.
Alcohol and anxiety are actually the best of friends — they go hand in
hand. The very act of drinking can increase your anxiety and leave you
feeling worse once it wears off.
While alcohol might initially relax you because it is a sedative, it
changes levels of serotonin and other transmitters in your brain. Your
anxiety levels can be off the charts following drinking.
If that's not enough of a downer, hangovers can make your anxiety
linger as well, thanks to your blood sugar being lowered. Couple that
with dehydration, fatigue and nausea, and that's a definite party foul.
Alcohol might cause anxiety
A study led by the University of North Carolina School of Medicine
shows that the long-term effects of drinking can cause the drinker to
find it difficult to recover from traumatic events.
Knowing that drinking changes brain activity and how we process events,
scientists think that alcohol might actually be the source of anxiety
in some people rather than a reliever of it.
Even scarier is that in some people alcohol can actually cause panic
attacks. Drinking can elevate your heart rate, which can lead to heart
palpitations or hyperactivity in your nervous system.
A racing heart, shaking and excessive sweating will lead you to wonder
if you're having a heart attack. The questioning itself is a source of
anxiety (for you and your buddies!)
Alcohol makes you dependent
The brain works in funny ways. Much like an athlete training for muscle
memory, our brain will make associations based on what we are training
it to do.
If you've come to associate alcohol as your wing man — i.e. you've
given it the rank and importance of why you can relax in a social
situation, or deliver a speech before thousands or yo u think it's what
you need to face yet another family gathering — then your brain is going
to start believing you.
While we've all been to functions that make a root canal seem enjoyable, needing alcohol to get through them isn't normal.
Alcohol isn't treating the problem
Drinking isn't doing anything to resolve the source of your anxiety,
it's only masking it. Once the alcohol wears off, the stressor will
still be there.
In reality, thanks to alcohol, it may be much, much worse. You start
drinking to deal with your anxiety. However, not only is your original
dilemma still there but now you're physiologically stressed out from
daily activities and suddenly it seems you need a drink just to cope.
It creates a vicious cycle of drinking to escape and instead creates more things to feel anxious about.
We'd all love for there to be a magic elixir that can take away our
troubles and make everything better. Unfortunately that doesn't exist
and trying to give alcohol that power isn't doing you any favors.
At the very least it's going to make you regret the choices you made
with beer goggles on or the things you said to your clients.
The great part is that so many other options exist for dealing with
anxiety and stress in our lives. While alcohol and anxiety might be the
best of friends, they really are just frenemies to the rest of us.
For everyday stressors and anxiety, find coping mechanisms that work
for you — exercise, extra preparation and practice for workplace
functions, or good friends.
If your anxiety is debilitating and stealing your enjoyment, alcohol
won't solve that either. Consult a professional and work with them to
get back your joy. You're worth it!
Annie Grace is the author of “This Naked Mind: Control Alcohol, Find Freedom, Discover Happiness & Change Your Life.” Learn more at: thisnakedmind.com. Connect with Annie on Twitter.com and Facebook.com.
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