Monday, August 1, 2016

LEO" August 2016 Pet Horoscopes

Your Aries pet will generally let you know what they want, and this month even more so, so be prepared to listen to them. They don’t speak English, but they do have their own form of communication, and if you pay attention, you will get the gist of what they are trying to tell you. If possible, encourage them to be social; new friends are in the stars.

Be prepared to give a command and follow through with your Taurus pet. They are likely to be more controlling this month, as he or she may want to take control of their own destiny. Pets need to know who’s the boss, and that’s you, not them. They may also want to be more engaging, so indulge them in a little extra fun time.
Gemini pets can be contrary. One minute they want your company and the next they are happy by themselves; it’s their dual personality. But this month, they are all about the family and will want to be involved with everything, so include them in your plans as much as possible. And if you can’t include them, lavish a little more loving while at home.
Cancer pets are smart and this month, watch out, because if you’re not paying close attention, they can outsmart you in ways you hadn’t even imagined. As Cancers love to sleep, you can sooth their soul with cozy blankets and bedding, or a little soft toy that can make their dreams dreamier.
Leo is a strong sign, and this month your Leo pet can be obstinate when he or she wants something. It can be a battle of the wits of who will give in first, make sure it isn’t you! They can also be more possessive than usual of your time and affection, as well as not want anyone else to pay you attention.

Your Virgo pet can be intense this month, with so much going on in their sign their head and tail will be wagging. Keep them on a routine as much as possible. They feel more comfortable and balanced when they know what they are doing. It will also limit any confusion or uncertainty they may feel during this time.

Libra pets can be more intuitive and instinctual than usual this month, and you may think they are reading your mind, as they seem to know what’s going on in advance. They can have their own idea about what they want to do this month, and it may be different to what you want. Be clear with your communication, and firm with your commands.

You can expect Scorpio pets to be busy all month, and at times, demanding. They have lots to do, see and get under control. Let them have their space to do what they need to do, and try not to interfere too much with their sleep-play cycle. When they get enough sleep and stick to a routine they are more settled.

Watch your Sagittarian pet like a hawk this month; they are opportunists at the best of times, and right now, if they see an opening they will take it. Whether they want to run out the door, harass the other household pets or stockpile their treats, they can be mischievous and not to be trusted during August.

Just when you think you have your Capricorn pet all worked out, this month they can do something out of the ordinary. You may think it’s cute at first, but really, you probably don’t want them to make a habit of it - be firm. They will also need a lot of positive encouragement, in the way of reinforcing how much you love them.

Aquarian pets are not always social creatures, but his month, they are likely to want to be more involved with everything and with everyone. Can you teach an old dog new tricks? Well, in this case, and this month, yes, you can. So focus on training and any behavioral issues you want to correct.

Pisces pets are generally pretty easygoing; they are lovers. But during August, don’t be surprised if they are a little more assertive than usual, which can present itself in the form of naughtiness, most likely just to get your attention. But at the end of the day, all they really want is a big smoochy cuddle!

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