Memo to moms-to-be: Now there’s a scientifically supported silver lining
to that awful, horrible, hideous morning sickness. New research finds
that women who suffer nausea and vomiting early in their pregnancy have a
significantly reduced risk of miscarriage or stillbirth.

The study in the Journal of the American Medical Association Internal Medicine
797 women who’d had at least one miscarriage and were again pregnant.
The expectant moms tracked nausea symptoms through diaries
Participants who experienced morning sickness had a 50-75% lower risk
of losing the pregnancy, according to research from National Institute
of Child Health Care and Human Development.
"Our study confirms prior research that nausea and vomiting appear to be
more than a sign of still being pregnant and instead may be associated
with a lower risk for pregnancy loss,” researchers noted. Further study
is needed to understand why morning sickness may lower the miscarriage
risk. Earlier research suggests that queasiness causes women to focus
more on their diet.
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