ELEVATING TO THE NEXT LEVEL By Marie Phido Email: marie.phido@yahoo.com

I have had the privilege of working in
some of the best professional services organisations in the world.
Helping these organisations achieve growth, market share and share of
mind. In the course of talking to buyers of these services, what you
hear in gauging their understanding of these organisations are, “your
solutions are the same, your services are based on similar methodology
and approach”.
In view of the depth of my involvement with the buying
and selling cycles of these organisations, there may be some veracity
and merit in these comments. There can be a high level of similarity.
However, the similarity ends when these
buyers are prodded to explain the value they get from the services, it
becomes “the quality of the people, the knowledge of the organisation,
how well they know my organisation and deep understanding of my industry
and regulatory environment, depth of our relationship, sounding board
on knotty issues, similarity and alignment with our values, customer
service of the people, quality and succinctness of the Reports, my
trusted advisor, amongst additional attributes”.
This is where Differentiation kicks in.
By the time they list out these differences and how they perceive the
services, they are then able to really determine the ranking of the
organisations from 1-10 with 1 being at the top of its game within the
pack. It finally dawns on them that they are all really not the same.
It is essential that organisations drive
differentiation to showcase their value proposition to avoid
commoditisation. Youngme Moon said “differentiation is generally
considered a firm’s primary defense against commoditisation. The fiercer
the competition, the stronger the firm’s commitment to differentiation
should be … the more diligently firm’s compete with each other the less
differentiated they can become in the eyes of the customer.”
This is also evident in Nigeria’s banking
industry, where banks are fiercely competing, same in telecoms.
Customers find it very easy to switch from one bank or operator to the
other because none has really shown a remarkable difference in service
and solutions. There appears to be an inclination to move in the same
direction to the point of automaticity. For you to stand out, consider
the following:
• Customers want to see a difference in what you offer, how you innovate, price, advertise and your brand message. Why you?
• You need to play to your strengths and find your sparkle. GTBank did this at inception by becoming synonymous with customer service in the banking sector.
• Resist the predisposition to be reactive by following suit and conforming to what competition is doing.
• Embrace innovation because “customers are inconsistent in their attitude toward products, ambivalent in their regard for change and fickle in their posture toward product innovation”.
To ensure continued growth and relevance, organizations must embrace differentiation to succeed in a world where “conformity reigns, but exceptions rule.”
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