Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Trade conditions steady but tight, Sacci says

Trade conditions were stable in September as higher sales volumes were offset by slightly weaker new orders.

The South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s (Sacci’s) seasonally adjusted trade activity index was unchanged at 52 in September, pointing to steady but still tight trade conditions, according to the chamber.

Fewer new orders, rising input costs and a decline in employment were some of the main restraints to trade conditions in September.
Surveyed businesspeople raised fewer concerns than in August, although delays and compliance costs of the regulatory environment, uneven application of regulations and some government inefficiencies were adding to trade challenges, Sacci said.

Respondents are also optimistic about trade conditions over the next six months. The six-month trade expectations index remained steady in positive territory at 60 points in September.
Some of the optimism was driven by expectations for higher sales and new orders, which were both at highs for the year in September.

Businesspeople are, however, not so optimistic about hiring more people, with the employment prospects subindex falling into negative territory, at 48 points, from 50 points before.
Inflationary expectations on inputs (the index was at 72) as well as sales (index at 64) receded somewhat but still remained high, the Sacci index showed.

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