Sunday, December 11, 2016

HEALTH: Mike Hot-Pence wears no pants, raises money for Planned Parenthood

You see all sorts of things in Times Square these days, Spidermen fighting Elmos, naked cowboys — and now pants-less vice president-elects.

There’s a new character in Times Square and he looks an awful lot like Mike Pence.

Glen Pannell wears a suit, tie, no pants — just short shorts — and goes by “Mike Hot-Pence,” raising money for Planned Parenthood, the environment, and soon, the Trevor Project for LGBT youth. He raised over $300 for Planned Parenthood and the Natural Resources Defense Council the first weekend in December.
Pannell kept hearing, “you look like Mike Pence! You should be him for Halloween,” so much that he did it. But the actor/director and designer thought that wasn’t creative enough, so Pannell stepped out as “Sexy Mike Pence” and hasn’t turned back.

As he told the Daily News, “I wear many hats, but no pants.”
The activist, who’s gay, said he wants to use his resemblance to Pence to champion causes Pence has opposed.
Pannell finds a “patch of sunlight” in Times Square and carries a repurposed whey protein bucket for donations, because “Mike Hot-Pence cares about the environment.”

“I am raising money for groups that would be especially vulnerable during a Trump/Pence administration,” he said. The donations, which Pannell screenshots and posts on his Twitter feed, are donated in the name of “Mike Hot-Pence.”
Pannell says he isn’t interested in being immature or disrespectful. Rather, he wants to use his resemblance to call attention to Pence’s record as a public servant.

“His policy over the last 16 years makes me very afraid for the next four years. I want to make it about the issues.”
The reactions to Mike Hot-Pence have varied. A cabbie stopped in Times Square traffic to hand over some cash. A woman leaned in and whispered “you’re a disgusting pig,” while another rubbed his bare legs for good luck.
“I don’t think it was sexual,” Pannell said. “It was like I was a Buddha.”

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