Monday, February 20, 2017

‘30 Rock’ actor resigns from President's Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in protest of Trump

Maulik Pancholy, Jack’s assistant Jonathan from “30 Rock,” resigned from the President’s Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders last week, along with nine other members, in protest against President Trump’s travel ban.

Pancholy, who was born in Ohio but whose family came from India, was appointed by President Obama in 2014 for a term that was supposed to end in September.

“We object to your portrayal of immigrants, refugees, people of color and people of various faiths as untrustworthy, threatening and a drain on our nation. The fact is that Native Peoples, immigrants from all parts of the world and people of color have built this country,” the commissioners wrote in a public letter last week.

“Among the commissioners, there are immigrants, refugees and descendants of those who have experienced systematic discrimination. We, and the communities that we represent, have worked diligently to make America great and have fought to keep it free. We have and will always strive to ensure that America, our America, will never go back to the days of exclusion, segregation and internment.”

Chair Tung Nguyen, Co-Chair Mary Okada and seven other commissioners also resigned their positions.

The group specifically called out Trump’s actions with “deleterious consequences,” including the proposal to cut federal resources to sanctuary cities, “bans on refugees...from seven predominantly Muslim countries,” border control and the proposed wall and the repeal of the Affordable Care Act.
Pancholy follows his former fictional boss, Alec Baldwin, in his admonition of the President.
Baldwin has portrayed Trump on “Saturday Night Live” for most of the season, much to POTUS’ despair.

Trump has blasted Baldwin for his portrayal as “not funny” and a “hit job” in late-night tweet storms following episodes.

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