Before you drop a truth bomb, consider this.

To help you figure out if you should spill your guts or just let it go, we tapped an expert to guide you every step of the way. Here's what to do:
Fess Up Or Shut Up?
It depends. "If it was a one-time fling, or was years ago, and there's no risk that you'll continue it, there's a strong argument for keeping quiet," says psychiatrist Scott Haltzman, M.D., author of The Secrets of Surviving Infidelity. If, however, it's a repeating pattern, "there's an ongoing problem with the relationship that has to be dealt with."How To Do It
Next Steps
One absolute necessity is to end all contact with the other person. Then make your life an open book, says Haltzman. You might even want to offer your passwords for e-mail and social media as proof of your sincerity. Fully accounting for your time away is reassuring too ("I'll be having drinks with Sarah, then home"). Saltz also suggests seeing a therapist together. "Tell him you know it's your fault, and you want to make things stronger between you."
Watch men and women spill the honest truth about exactly what they think about cheating??
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