Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Azealia Banks scolded by judge for missing court date in assault case, but is set free

Misbehaved rapper Azealia Banks was dressed down by an annoyed judge on Tuesday after trying to apologize for her court absence the day before, forcing the judge to issue a bench warrant.

But she lucked out when Manhattan Criminal Court Judge Kathryn Paek allowed her to stay out on her own recognizance instead of setting bail at $2,000 in her misdemeanor club bouncer boob-biting case. Banks could have been locked up in the courtroom.

"I just wanted to apologize for being tardy," said Banks, who was spared the ordeal of being taken into custody.
Her attorney said she had good reason to miss some of her past dates, but did not disclose publicly what they were.

He said the latest missed court date was due to the fact that she thought her return date was Wednesday of this week, not Monday.
"You're not tardy, you missed your court date," the judge said, stopping the 25-year-old performer from explaining further.
"Your case was on for hearing and trial. You did not appear. That's not 'tardy.' Do you understand the difference?" Paek continued.
Banks looked nervous before and after she went in front of Paek, but was smirking throughout the short hearing.

"My client is sincerely apologetic, she assures me," Banks' new court-appointed attorney Jess Berkowitz said.
Banks is now due back in court Friday for further proceedings in her case.
She was arrested in December 2015 for allegedly attacking Christine Soares at the Up&Down club on W. 14th St. Banks was there for a private party when she got into a dispute with bouncers over a hand stamp and was tossed. The star became verbally abusive, then punched the woman who was escorting her out. Banks also bit the victim’s breast, police said.
Prosecutors argued that she could not be trusted to come to court.

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