Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The Amazing Reason Why This Transgender Man Is Posting Before And After Photos

"You sure as hell don't need ANYONE'S approval but your ow

Jaimie Wilson is asking his 100,000 Instagram followers not to judge a book by its cover. The transgender DJ and musician has been posting  "before-and-after" style photos
of his appearance pre and post-transition to prove the point that not all transgender people show outward signs of identifying with the opposite gender pre-transition. “I am posting this picture to show that not everyone has to show 'signs' to be transgender," he writes in the photo caption. "You don't have to pass a test to prove you're trans...and you sure as hell don't need ANYONES approval but your own.”

“I want people to see it doesn’t matter what some LOOKS like," he continues. "if someone has the guts to tell you ‘I’m transgender’ ‘I’m gay” “I’m bisexual’ anything like that PLEASE BELIEVE them and be there for them because stereotypes need to be broken.”

The photos are the latest in a series of candid shots Jamie has posted on Instagram documenting his transition, urging his followers to remember that there is no one "right" way to be transgender:

In solidarity, men in similar situations have taken to Twitter with the hashtag #TransGuyTwitter to further showcase the nuances of trans identities.
Wilson’s story is all the more refreshing on the heels of far too many incidences of discrimination against the LGBTQ community. North Carolina passed a controversial "bathroom bill" in 2016 that requires people to use restrooms and locker rooms corresponding to the gender on their birth certificate (although the law could cost them over $3 billion in lost revenue, according to Associated Press). And in February, President Trump rolled back federal protections of the transgender community in an executive order.

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