Got a headache? Join the (pain) club. Headaches are one of the most
common reasons people see a doctor, with three-quarters of women saying
they had a headache in the last year. Women of reproductive age are the
most likely to be affected, with one in four ladies under 45 years old
reporting suffering from "severe" headaches or migraines, according to the most recent data
from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But while we've
all likely had a headache recently, there are some unlucky souls who
suffer from recurring or chronic headaches, also known as headache disorder, according to the World Health Organization.

But just because headaches are super common doesn't mean you just
have to live with them, especially not if you're having them on a daily
basis, says Medhat Mikhael,
M.D., a pain management specialist and medical director at Orange Coast
Memorial Medical Center in Fountain Valley, California.
"A lot of women think headaches are something they must simply endure
or treat by taking over-the-counter painkillers like ibuprofen or
Tylenol, but not only is that not the best treatment it can even be
dangerous as using those medications daily can cause serious damage to
your kidneys and liver," he explains. "If your headaches are affecting
your daily life, it's time to see a doctor."
The first thing the doctor should do, he says, is ask you a bunch of questions—about everything from your sex life
to your diet to your job. Why the major interrogation? Because almost
anything in your life can potentially trigger chronic headaches, and
identifying your triggers is the single best thing you can do to treat
them. Start by keeping a detailed "headache journal" and record your
diet, exercise, sleep, and menstrual patterns to see if you can find a
Not sure where to start? Each woman is different, but there are some
headache triggers Mikhael says he sees most often. Check out this list
and see if any of these ring true for you:
Ah yes, hormones. Our monthly fluctuations of progesterone and estrogen
affect everything, so it's no surprise that one of the most common
symptoms of PMS is a headache. Menstrual headaches are common, but if
yours are lasting longer than a day or two, your hormones might be
seriously out-of-whack, meaning it's time to get them checked, Mikhael
Many people are surprised to discover that their daily headaches are
actually a symptom of hypertension, Mikhael says. The extra pressure of
your blood increases the pressure inside your head, causing a chronic
headache. Fortunately, treating the high blood pressure with medication
or lifestyle changes will automatically cure this type of
headache. (Kick-start your new, healthy routine with Women's Health's 12-Week Total-Body Transformation!)
Pain in your teeth, from decay or disease, or pain in your jaw, from
tightness or TMJ, can show up as a headache in the top of your head, he
explains. It's called "referred pain" and is a very common symptom of
dental issues. You should already be seeing your dentist on the regular
but if you have a headache that won't quit, it's worth popping in for
another check-up.
Lack of sleep ruins everything. It can expand your waistline,
make you crave junk food, hurt your memory, and make you cranky (not to
mention, you know, exhausted). But it turns out that chronic insomnia
can also cause chronic headaches. "Unrested muscles can cause tension
headaches and insomnia releases stress hormones, both of which trigger
headaches," Mikhael says.
Here's the Diet Coke paradox: A little caffeine can cure a
headache—that's why it's a main ingredient in Excedrin—but too much
caffeine can trigger a headache. And the line is very individual.
Mikhael recommends taking caffeine out completely
The fact that drinking can lead to headaches will surprise no one who's
ever been hungover. But you don't have to get drunk to suffer head pain,
he says. In fact, what you're drinking may be as much the
culprit as how much. The worst offender? Cheap wines. The sulfites,
filtration process, and other factors can trigger a headache, so Mikhael
says if you're going to have a glass of wine, splurge on the
high-quality stuff.
Dietary triggers for headaches are very individual. Some people might be
triggered by eating sugar, others by noshing on hot dogs, but the most
common denominator is processed foods,
Mikhael explains. Stick to whole grains, fruits, veggies, and
unprocessed meats and you might find your headaches disappear. One
surprising food that pops up a lot among his headache patients? Cheese.
People who are sensitive or allergic
to particular smells, lights, flavors, or sensations may find their
headaches are triggered by their particular sensitivity. Only you can
know what your particular triggers are and the best way to figure them
out is to keep a detailed headache journal, he advises.
Chronic headaches can, in some cases, be an early sign of an autoimmune disorder
like multiple sclerosis, lupus, arthritis, and nerve damage, Mikhael
says. Your doctor should be able to rule out any of these diseases.
Work-related tension headaches are very common, he says. First, there's
the stress that often comes with work (see point #1 above) but headaches
can also be triggered by anything that keeps your body in the same
position for long periods of time like, oh, sitting at a desk in front of a computer screen all day. So stand up when you can and take frequent breaks to stretch and walk.

Texting neck,
it's a thing. And staring down at your phone all day can cause
headaches not just from the stress on your neck muscles but also from
the eye strain, the screen brightness, and the position you sit or stand
in when you use it. (You're reading this on your phone right now,
aren't you? Take a 10-minute stretch break!)
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