Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Why April 18 is the Tax Day deadline

Two things in life you can be 100% sure of: death and taxes. When you’ll take your last gasp is forever up in the air, but the date for filing tax returns is always April 15. Except when it’s not. Like this year. It’s Tuesday, April 18. Whaaa? The following 2017 timeline tells all.

April 15 is a Saturday. The tax deadline always gets postponed when it lands on a weekend or a legal holiday. Tax Day would typically shift to Monday, April 17. But ...
April 16 is Emancipation Day, a Federal holiday marking when President Abraham Lincoln freed slaves in 1862. When it falls on the weekend, it’s celebrated on the following Monday. But ...

April 17 is a day off for IRS number crunchers. Taxpayers get 24 extra hours to breathe a little easy. No more buts.

April 18 is the deadline for filing 1040s and such. Or to apply for an extension. But don’t blow off doing your taxes, advised New York tax attorney Mel Lippman. “Relax, gather up your information and get it done,” he told the Daily News. BTW — 2018 will have similar date switcheroos.

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