Tuesday, May 23, 2017

MoneyMatters: ONE STEP AT A TIME

ONE STEP AT A TIME We spend so much time thinking, planning and preparing. 
That is great, but stop to think sometimes – is it actually moving you towards your goals and what really matters to you? 
Do you know what you should be doing in the first place or what you love to do? That should be the starting point. 
Wouldn't it be amazing if you were able to do one thing every single day that was directly in line with your goals?
 Sometimes, we are daunted by the big picture, when all we need to do is to take it one step at a time. Achieving those great big sweeping goals can be daunting and leave you frustrated or demotivated. But it is about taking small purposeful steps that add value. So starting today, be deliberate about including some things that really matter to you and do some of them each day. Start with just 30 minutes; you will make so much progress. 
 I’m building these into my busy Monday. 
•10 minutes of exercise 
• Piano practice – I’m learning just 1 page of a Schubert Impromptu. 
•Staying in touch - Calls to 2 of my friends - just to say hello 
• Skimming through first draft of an important presentation for later this week. 
• Trying to learn one new thing about technology before I become illiterate! 
 Have a great week!

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