Thursday, May 11, 2017

Mummy’s Yum: Perfect for Your Baby! Try this Delicious Recipe for Plantain & Carrot Puree

Simple meals like this plantain and carrot meal (suitable from 6 months) are somethings to try for your baby without breaking the bank. The difference between this and that jar of baby food you bought from the shop is taste and freshness. If you doubt me, compare the two after making this and I bet you your baby will not touch your ‘posh’ jar again Check my Instagram page if you doubt me.

When I was making this, I was wondering what I would do with it since my baby has grown past puree and may not look at it. I was wrong, she ate everything, so I made another batch which I stirred into spaghetti for her lunch. The taste was absolutely fantastic and that is why I call it delicious… Yes, I ate some (hahaha!). You can make this puree and mix it into other meals for your toddler for a delicious and different taste.



  • ½ ripe plantain
  • 1 small carrot
  • A small onion or spring onion
  • A small chunk of cow liver or chicken (optional)
  •  ¼ – ½ cup water
  • A knob of butter or a teaspoon of vegetable or olive oil


  1. Cut plantain, carrots, onions and liver into small chunks.
  2. Put all ingredients in a pot and add water. Bring to a boil until cooked.
  3. Puree with a hand blender till smooth. Add more water to get a lighter consistency if desired.
Try these other delicious plantain combinations for your baby with green vegetable or with potatoes and fish.
See more Mummy’s Yum recipes here.

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