Are you always running out of cash to spend? Do you always have to
budget for the things of life that you enjoy but can’t always afford?
Can’t keep up with your expenses and need a way to get back the money
you spend? You may not know it yet, but your smartphone may hold the key
to solving your financial woes and earning juicy rewards on all your
With NOWNOW, you get to save more and earn on your usual expenses, and cash out your earnings with NOWNOW agents everywhere!
Simply download the NOWNOW app today and enjoy a bounty of exclusive offers, save money and fatten your real wallet!
Many people today live paycheck to paycheck, which means they’re
always looking for ways to save money and fatten their wallets. When you
slow down and think beyond your immediate circumstances, you will often
find that there are many unique ways to get some extra cash, including
earning as you spend using your smartphone.
With the NOWNOW app installed on your phone, you get
a better chance of increasing your pocket worth even as you dig into it
to spend. NOWNOW is the mobile app that lets you pay bills quickly, top
up your data or airtime instantly, send and receive money easily and
gives you rewards everytime you spend using the app.
NOWNOW offers you more rewards than any other to give you more value
for what you spend. All you need is your smartphone with the mobile app
NOWNOW installed on it and your funded NOWNOW wallet and you can fatten
your real wallet with your NOWNOW wallet!
Here’s how;
- Buy Airtime and Get 5% Cashback
- Send or receive money and get Discount Coupons
- Pay your bills and get Discount Coupons
With NOWNOW, you get to save more and earn on your usual expenses, and cash out your earnings with NOWNOW agents everywhere!
Simply download the NOWNOW app today and enjoy a bounty of exclusive offers, save money and fatten your real wallet!
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