Day 26 – 26th September, 2017
Law 22 – The Principle of Power

Power is the ability to do something or to act in a particular way. It is the capacity and ability to direct or influence the behavior and outcomes of self and others. Power only bows to power.
Firstly, you must know that God is Omnipotent. He is ALL Power. Ps 62:11 – “Once God has spoken twice have I heard that power belongs to God”
Matthew 19:26 – “But Jesus looked at them and said ”with man this is impossible but with God all things are possible”. The reason why you have not been able to do so is because you have been attempting it as a mere man. Activate the God in you, release the Power of God in you and all things will be possible for you.
1 John 4:4 – “You are of God little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world”. Recognize and understand God’s power and influence working in, through and for you – GRACE.
Secondly your must know, recognize and understand your own personal power/influence, plus the limit of your power/influence. Thirdly,
you must know the level of influence that your power wields and know
how to use and engage it to direct your own behavior as well as the
behavior of other.
For example:
The person that doesn’t understand power dynamics can’t benefit from it. The person that doesn’t have power can’t earn from or enjoy power. The person that has power and doesn’t know he does can’t reap any benefit from power. Also, the
person that has power but doesn’t know how to use power is as
disadvantaged as the person that has no power and the one that is
ignorant about his power.
They say knowledge is power —– no it isn’t. I say knowledge acknowledged, understood and appropriately utilized, that is power. Of what use is power if it is not used?
I also say that ignorance is man’s greatest enemy and it destroys. Knowledge is a major key to success in any chosen field of endeavor, be a learner all your life. Dedicate your life to personal development and learning.
Hosea 4:6… my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge
To be continued tomorrow
The Catalyst, Lanre Olusola
Behavioral Change Psychologist
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