October is typically associated with fall colors of orange, yellow and
red, but pink is another color you may be noticing quite a bit during
this time of year.

That is because October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and the color
pink is to remind women and their families of being and remaining
vigilant about early detection of this disease.
Around 12%,
or one in eight women in the United States, will develop
invasive breast cancer in their lifetime. Men are also at risk of breast
cancer but far less than women — about one in 1,000 men will develop
this type of cancer. And while death rates have been decreasing since
1989, approximately 40,610 women in the U.S. are expected to die in 2017
from this disease.
But there is always hope. The good news is the overall death rate has
decreased, along with fewer women under the age of 50 who have died due
to breast cancer. It is believed part of this trend is a result of
advances in treatment, earlier detection through screening and increased
To keep the momentum of this encouraging trend, here are three steps
promoting early detection all women should do. Early detection means
finding cancer before it spreads to other parts of the body. Breast
cancer may never be completely prevented but early detection provides
the best possibility of successful treatment.
To increase your chance of detecting cancer early, follow these three steps:
1. Become familiar with your breasts
All women should be familiar with how their breasts normally look and
feel. Having a familiarity with their breasts can help women identify
and notice any changes detected right away.
If a change is found, it is important to schedule an appointment with a
doctor as soon as possible to identify and diagnosis the symptom and if
any treatment is required. Remember: eight out of 10 lumps found are
not cancerous.
What to look for:
- A lump or thickening in or near the breast or in the underarm area
- A change in the size or shape of the breast
- Dimpling or puckering in the skin of the breast
- A nipple turned inward into the breast
- Discharge (fluid) from the nipple
- Scaly, red, or swollen skin on the breast, nipple, or areola (the dark area of skin at the center of the breast).
2. Annual well-woman exam
Each year, all women should visit their family physician or
gynecologist for a well-woman exam. This visit should include a routine
pelvic exam and pap smear in addition to a breast exam to check for any
A well-woman exam is the perfect time for any woman to talk to her
health care provider about any concerns or questions they may have
regarding their breast health.
3. Mammogram
Of course, no list of steps necessary for detecting breast cancer early
would be complete without mentioning the importance of mammograms.
Because breast cancer in its early stages has few if any symptoms, it
is recommended by the National Breast Cancer Foundation that women ages
40 and older get a yearly mammogram. Mammograms can often find or detect
breast cancer when it is small and even before a lump can be felt. This
is when it is easiest to treat.
A mammogram is a low-dose x-ray that allows specialists to look for
changes in breast tissue. Screening mammograms are used to look for
breast changes in women who do not appear to have breast problems. A
diagnostic mammogram is used to get more information about breast
changes in women who have breast symptoms or an abnormal screening
Mammograms are a safe and quick method for detecting cancerous tumors
and other abnormal breast conditions. Plus, women who have yearly
screening mammograms have a lower chance of dying from breast cancer
than women who do not have screening mammograms.
Dr. Samadi is a board-certified urologic oncologist trained in open and traditional and laparoscopic surgery and is an expert in robotic prostate surgery. He is chairman of urology, chief of robotic surgery at Lenox Hill Hospital. He is a medical contributor for the Fox News Channel's Medical A-Team. Follow Dr. Samadi on Twitter, Instagram, Pintrest, SamadiMD.com, davidsamadiwiki, davidsamadibio and Facebook
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